"W-Who are you?!"

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Derek's POV:

I woke up to Stiles sleeping camly and his small chest moving slowly up and down matching the beat of his heart and the slow pumps of warm breath escaping his mouth...    

I really don't want to wake him up... I think it's the most decent sleep he's had in a loooong long time.   So, i get up slowly and shuffle my way downstairs and into the kitchen to make myself some well needed coffee.   I make the coffee and walk into the living room to sit down and catch up on my reading.

- 20 mins later -

I finish my drink and so i set my book down on the table to get up and take my cup into the kitchen...

I hear a small gasp behind me and turn around to see Stiles staring at me with his eyes wide...

"Heyy, babe... What's wrong?  You okay?" I ask walking towards him. Concern in my voice. He waddles back away quickly and falls over the table landing on his backside.

"W-Who are you?!" He asks, looking around the loft frantically, tears falling down his face and his breathing quickens... "I SAID WHO ARE YOU! AND WHERE THE HELL AM I?"  He's screaming at me, backing away into the corner, burying his face in his knees.

I walk over to him slowly, "Stiles.. I-It's me, Derek. Your boyfriend..." I am now knelt down too, next to him.   I place my hand on his leg but he flinches away and lets out a small whine...

"I don't know you, please... Don't... Hurt... Me..." He whispers through small sobs.

I am slightly hurt by all of this... What's happening to him? Why can't he remember anything?

Suddenly a thought pops into my head..... The nogitsune.....

I try again to calm him down.. His breathing is getting worse.

"Stiles, babe, it's me, calm down." I say calmy trying to move closer to his shivering body... He stands up suddenly and backs up to the door...

"Stop calling me that, i have no idea who you are, or where the acctual hell i am..." He turns around, opens the door and runs outside, into the woods, not looking back.

I pull out my phone and call Scott...

"S-Scott.. Yeah... No.... Yeah.... We have a problem..... Yeah about him... Sure i'll be at yours in 10... Bye."

- Scott's house - 

I walk through and Scott is instantly at my side asking me what's wrong...

"Where's Stiles? What happened? Did Void not leave him!!??" He asked frantically...

"H-He....." I stumble but i carn't find any words to speak.

Scott moved me over to the sofa and sat me down, rubbing my back... "Derek, it's okay, take your time..." He said reasuringly.

"He.. He woke up, and i could tell he was normal when i woke up... But when he saw me, h-he didn't know w-where he was... O-Or, even who i was..." I managed to spit the words out.

"What???  So where is he now?" He asked slowly.

"I don't know, i tried calming him down but he just got freaked at the sight of me and ran off...." I say but before i could continue, he was up and dragging me out the door.

Scott's POV:

As soon as he told me Stiles ran off i was dragging him out the door and heading back to the loft in Derek's comero, i'm sure i was driving 60 in a 30 but who cares, this is Stiles we're talking about. I'de get a ticket for my brother anyday.

Sterek xxxxWhere stories live. Discover now