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Stiles' POV:

I've been awake all night... I don't have  my top on, it's pitch black. My stomach is cut, my chest sliced, face cut up.   My hands have been moved above my head...  Something the 2 men did, to 'help get a better angle hitting me'   My wrists are cut, from the rope... blood is running down my arms...

I'm guessing i was up all night cuz' Deucalion opened the door and it was bright again....

"Sleep well?" He said, smiling over at me...

"Swell, thanks....  Might want to think of a few minor improvements for the future though,, Not quite the 5 star experience i was expecting..."   Out of eveything i've been through, my sarcasm still seems to be top notch..

"Aren't you not done with being beaten Stiles? I can do it all day, and all night if that's what it takes..." He says grabbing a chair and sitting infront of me.. He pulled up his cane and ran the blade across my stomach slowly, releasing more blood....

Derek's POV:

"ARGGGG..." Scott pulled my shirt up to see a huge gash going right around.....

"What the fuck are they doing to him?!" Says Erica rehtoricaly..

"I don't know, but whatever it is, i suggest we go find him, now.." Said Isaac pulling my up by my waist. We all got to the comero and Isaac got in the back with me and Boyd.. Erica got in the front with Scott driving.

"I can smell him....." Said Scott, turning tight round a corner following the scent...

"Yeah, his blood.." Whispered Erica, trying not to let me hear her,,, knowing fully well i probably could.  Once we got there we stepped out infront of a huge, odd looking building.

"What's this guys problem with old, creepy buildings?" Asked Isaac holding me up.   We all walked over to the building.. It was suprisingly quiet... Too quiet.

Stiles' POV:

"Ready to cooperate now?" Says Deucalion evily...

"I don't think so..." I reply, yet again sarcasticly.

He pulled the blade across my neck, ever so lightly, but still leaving a mark...

"ARRRRRR..." This really is sheer torture...

Derek's POV:

"Did anyone else hear that?" Asked Boyd, tilting his head slightly...

"Stiles!" I shout back towards the building.

We all run inside, too see Deucalion stood infront, of what we can only guess is Stiles, he looks different, covered in marks, on every single inch of his body, if i could i'de kill Deucalion right now..

"Now this is what i call a party..." He says

"What are you doing with him?" I ask still clutching on to Isaac, catching my breath.

"Ohhh, now this... is insteresting, your mates," He said, noticing the state i was in, replicating Stiles' atire... "this should be more exciting than i thought...   Should i tell them or should you Stiles?" He says proding Stiles face with the cane, making him wince,  causing me to growl and leap forwards, being held back by Scott....

"Go on, Stiles..." He says again...

He lookes up, one eye bruised closed, the other, red and puffy, bags underneath them. All of the pups whine at the sight of him.. "H-He's going to t-turn me, a-and kill you a-all, r-run, leave...." He lets his head drop back down, from the sheer lack of energy to hold it up...

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