Chapter Twelve: Dirty Work

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(Photo from scrapbook : Mum (back row, far right) with her Year Twelve class, 1960)



"I have something to tell you."

I glanced up from the book I was reading and stared at Serenity. She was standing a few paces in front of me, clutching her right arm with her left hand. Her pearly front teeth were nibbling her bottom lip. She looked extremely anxious, like she was waiting to be sentenced in court.

"What's up?" I asked, setting my book down beside me on the bed.

"Just so you know, I won't always be here while you're staying with us," Serenity said slowly.

"Why's that?"

"I have to go to school tomorrow."

"You do?" I paused for a moment, contemplating this new information. "But school doesn't start back until next week."

"Yes, well, that's your school," said Serenity. "My school finishes a week early, so we have to start back a week early, too."

I blinked at her. "So I'll be here? All by myself? Without you?"

"I'm sorry, Georgia," Serenity said with a sad shake of her head. "You're going to have Dad and Uncle Ringo for company now. But don't worry. I'll be home after school, then we can do whatever you like."

"Can't I go with you?" I asked.

"Not really. I don't think it would be allowed, and you'd hate it anyway. We wouldn't be in the same class because you're older than me, and even if you could go, the Year Eleven teacher is a real crab. She's always yelling at everyone."


Serenity gently patted my shoulder. "Hey, it'll be fine. You'll be just fine."

I didn't think so. The reason I asked about going to school with Serenity wasn't because I was desperate to be with her at all times. I just didn't want to be alone in the house with George and Ringo. Having Serenity around made me feel a bit more at ease, but now she was going to school. I wouldn't see her for six whole hours each day. It was going to be awful.

Then I had a thought. Not having Serenity around meant I wouldn't have her trailing after me like a little shadow. I could go where I wanted whenever I wanted and do some investigating. By the time Serenity was due to leave for school, I had stopped worrying and happily saw her off, although it was unexpectedly awful saying goodbye to her.

"Promise you'll come straight back, right after school?" I said.

Serenity smiled and gave my hand a squeeze. "Promise. Bye, Georgia. I'll see you really soon!"

Serenity's bus pulled into the stop further up the street. She ran to chase it, waving at me over her shoulder. I waved back and didn't stop until the bus was a tiny red dot far off in the distance. Then it was time to leap into action.

By this point, I was curious about several things. For example, what was Ringo's problem? I had only been staying with him for two days and he already viewed me as a deadly enemy. I knew it had something to do with Mum, and she had explained what had happened, but I didn't quite believe her. Being jealous of someone's relationship was no excuse to hate a person and everyone related to them.

I wandered back inside to begin my search. I knew I wouldn't be caught for two reasons. One, George had been bedridden for about a day and a half now because of his tummy bug. He was far too weak to move, so he wouldn't give me any trouble. Two, Ringo avoided me as much as possible, and I did likewise.

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