Chapter 20

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Harry's P.O.V

Why do I feel so lonely? But when im with Mir it feels like half of me its full. No i dont like her nor love her, i just feel like she was my missing puzzle piece. I totally need help on this so im going to Holmes Chapel today to ask my mom on this.

''Baby I got love for thee so deep inside of me I dont know where to stand, I love you more than anything but the words cant even touch whats i  my heart'' I heard Mir singing. Jesus i need to take her with me.

''MIR COME HERE NOW'' i screamed at her from downstairs. ''WHAT DO YOU WANT HARRY?'' ''FOR YOU TO COME DOWN'' ''OK RIGHT AWAY'' she said. I heard her down the stairs until I heard a thump. ''Are you ok, Mir?'' ''Yeah i just fell'' ''well in those heels'' i murmured. ''Hey i heard that'' she said. ''So what did you want to tell me'' ''Oh yeah right, um can you come with me to Holmes Chapel tody to meet my mom'' i said to her. She showed confusion, but said ''Yeah, Sure but how many days are we going to be there'' ''If you dont mind, the whole week'' i said and more confusion came in. ''Oh Ok, well let me pack and we'll go, ok?'' ''Yeah but hurry''

After an hour of waiting she came down with two suitcases, so I said to her ''We are not spending a month there'' ''I know this is all my stuff for one week'' ok that was awkward. Another thing thats awkward is that none of the boys are here, only Mir and I are here. ''Well lets go we dont wanna be late'' i said to her. And we left withou leaving any note or text or anything.

I was getting kind of hungry and I could tell Mir was too, so we stopped at the nearest McDonalds. Obviously, we got out of the car and Mir said to me ''Why are you taking me to Holmes Chapel?'' um think think think aha ''Because my mom is dying to meet you'' i said with a happy tone. ''Oh'' she said

We entered Mcdonalds and while Mir was ordering i heard a voice very similar, one that I had known for three years, Louis.

As I looked to where the sound was i heard a girl giggling with Louis, finally i spotted them, it was Louis with a mistery girl. Wait  a second isnt Louis dating Mir? oh shit no no no, i quickly turned back to the cash register and told them the meal was to go, and Mir asked me why and I said ''Because there are people here that disgust me at this moment'' she looked around every table until she spotted them and tears were forming in her eyes. 

I want to kill that prick right now ugh how could he hurt someone so sweet and beautiful. ''Can we just go, please?'' she tells me, i just nod, took our order and left.

We ate in the car because i am not eating and driving at the same time, duh.  Mir looked at me and she started leaning in. Oh no, wait what is happening, as soon as i know it i was kissing her.

Something was telling me that this was bad, really, really bad. But why did it felt so good?

Mir P.O.V.

I cant believe that jerk cheted on me. Above all of the times ive been cheated this one felt like any other one. It didnt feel special nor good so why fight it. It was just a fling, a crush so why am i talking about this yeah right lets move on. 

As I was crying I looked up at Harry and our eyes locked, i started feeling tingles and chills, I started leaning in and he started leaning in and as soon as we knew it we were kissing. If you know how those movies are were the character feels fireworks then I felt more than that, I felt like my world was here with me, that I was wonderwoman, nothing that I had felt with anyone. But coud he feel the same too?


Harry's outfit to the side. Told ya there was drama but dont worry there will be more hahahahahahhaha, So What will Harry feel? i know what i feel. If you liked this chapter vote, and if you have anything to say to me comment, goodbye my blue stuffed bears,


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