Dating Lucky would include....
Dancing in the rain
Kissing in the rain
Midnight car rides
Road trips
Unique music playlists
Him teaching you to skate
Him teaching you how to play the drums
Cuddling in winter with the fireplace on
Scary movie nights
Thrill-seeking adventures
Sending each other ugly selfies
Cheeky butt grabs
Playful dance battles
Rough sex...
Kinky sex...
Passionate sex...
Neck kisses
You wearing his clothes
Him complimenting you on your sense of style
Him hugging you from behind
Mini series: Chapter 3 (final chapter)
Ok, so he's a cunt that basically wasted my time. I refuse to let him become apart of my routine. I remember a saying that goes:
"If you're not worth his time, he's not worth yours"
I can't think of a better quote than that. Basically, I used to stalk his insta through my friends account, and on facebook I'm friends with him and he always shares these sad love quotes and I hoped that he was talking about me but ya' know. Like usual I'm oh so very wrong.
So one day I thought "I'm probably never gonna see him again so I might as well tell him my feelings" I guess in this sense I was brave and stupid at the same time cos I do not take rejection well.
Anyway, I texted him through my friends account and let me tell you. He is the most shittiest texter. I texted him 7pm right? It took him literally a day for him to reply. I was so appalled and completely turned off.
I told him that I liked him and he didn't even know who I was. For some reason I didn't feel heartbroken. I guess his bad texting skills turned me off so much that I didn't like him anymore.
He's a druggo and a failure in life, I am so glad I no longer think of him anymore, Heck I don't even stalk his account.
Children... Please learn from my mistakes and try invest your time in a proper gentlemen that will respect you and come to your beck and call.