Chapter 4 ; Bowling with the boys

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I smiled as I got off my red truck. The breeze was amazing. I checked if I had done my assignments as I walked from the carpark to my locker. I started to rotate my lock combination. The lock popped open and I swung the door open. I was about to take my books when suddenly I hear someone calling my name.

" Selena ! " Miley smiled.

Miley was my best friend since I was 5. But we don't hang out that much anymore, she would always go to parties and I would go record a new song or something. She's that kind of girl who likes to party all night and usually flirt with cute boys. One thing that I like about her is her hair. Her highlights are so beautiful on her.

Miley popped open her locker and said " You know that Nick guy that I've been talking to you about actually has a girlfriend and he never told me that before ! ". " Wow, you must be really fed up, " I said.

"Not really, he said I was really the type for him and he would actually date me if he did not have a girlfriend! " Miley said soo happily. " Good for you, " I smiled.

" You know your friend, that guy name Cameron, is kind of hot! Does he have a girlfriend ? " Miley asked me. " You never give up do you ? " I laughed so hard while closing my door of my locker.

" Never, that guy I previously dated was such a jerk. He was such a player ! But the way I taught him a lesson, was pretty impressive right ? " Miley laughed. "Whatever you say. Oh and that friend of mine only digs for models, " I said.

" Don't I look like a model ? " Miley asked. There was silence for a while and we both burst out laughing.

She closed the door of her locker and we went for our classes.


The bell rang and I went straight to the cafeteria. The food in our school was kind of disgusting so I brought the sandwich from home.

I was looking for my friends when I saw Cameron and Ariana at a table.

"Hey guys ! " I said as I sat next to Ariana.

"Hey ! " Cameron and Ariana said at the same time.

" What's happening guys ? " David Archuleta said as he sat next to Cameron.

Yes, the same David Archuleta who cheated on me. We were just close friends now, like brothers and sisters.

Cameron Quiseng and Arianda Grande are David's best friends which I consider as mine too.

" Hey, " Miley said as she sat next to me.

" Excuse me but did we say you could sit here ? " David asked Miley. " My best friend is sitting here so why can't I ? " Miley shot David a look.

" Look Miley, you can't just sit here because Selena's sitting here, " Cameron said. " You know my name ? " Miley asked.

" Come on guys, she can sit here, right ? " I said. " As long as she don't make a mess, " David said sounding 'tough' .

- BEEP -

I checked my phone and it was a text from Harry.

" Hey, the boys and I will be at the back of your truck. We're going bowling. Yay ! :) xoxo Harry ~ "

I smiled and let out a small laugh at the part he said yay.

" Who is it from ? " Asked Ariana. " Harry, we're going bowling, " I let out a big smile.

After class

I walked to my truck and to my suprise, the boys were not there. "Where could they be?" I asked myself.

"BOO!" the boys shouted from the back. I jumped and fell onto the floor in fear. "Selena! Why were you so scared?" Zayn laughed as he pointed to me.

I was rolling on the floor laughing but I suddenly notice people staring at me and I started to get embarrassed . The boys quickly put on their disguises to prevent girls running after them.

I wanted to get up but fell down once again as I saw Louis' disguise. He was wearing a pumpkin mask with a moustache and a superman underwear on his head with a superman cape.

"Louis, couldn't you find a better disguise?!" Harry asked while laughing sooo hard. "What? Being Superman Ultra-Fan won't make people think you are the great LOUIS TOMLINSON! And besides, I saved you guys, you MUST thank me," Louis said proudly.

"Come on guys, get in the car," I said.

At the bowling alley

"Yay! We're here!" Niall said as he ran to the counter. We went to rent those bowling shoes and a alley. I took the no. 9 ball while the boys took the no.10 ball.

I kept getting a gutter while the bowling champion, Liam always had a strike. I sat at the side to catch a breath while Harry put his arms around my neck, hugging me from the back. "You know you could have take a lighter ball" Harry said as he brushed his fringers through my hair. "I don't want to look weak in front of you guys," I chuckled.

In the end, Liam won the game and we went to buy him a trophy for the game. 

Author's note: Please support me till the end, I'm still working on the plot. x :)

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