Chapter 17; "I promise," I whispered.

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I looked up from my phone and saw Logan sitting across me. 

"Who let you in?" I asked. I was sitting at the dining table at home when suddenly Logan was there.

"I'm a wizard, I zap in here whenever I want," Logan said. "Well..Hello 'Protector'," I laughed.

"Aw, its no mroe fun when you know who I am already," Logan said. "He's your protector?" asked Dad. "Dad! Were you listening the whole time?" I shouted. "Its not like you guys are dating so why can't I listen," Dad said.

I noticed Logan gave a little laugh. "Hey Sel, you want to go out?" Logan asked. "Hmm, where?" I asked.

"Oh, my mum wants to meet you. I told her I finally admitted to you that I was your protector," Logan said. "Sure!" I nodded.

"Great! I'll be waiting at the car," Logan said as he walked out.

"Don't you see it?" Dad asked. "See what? Now I have to get ready. Excuse me," I said as I walked to my room. Dad stood infront of me, "That he likes you,".

"What!? Honestly Dad, stop jumping to conclusions?' I said as I opened my closet. "You don't believe me? I think Demi knows herself," Dad said. "Please Dad, leave me alone!" I said as I shut the door of my room.

My Dad is seriously jumping to conclusions this time.

I got washed and put on my striped shirt, denim shorts and a pair of converse. I got out of my room, waved goodbye to Dad and got in Logan's car.


I walked into Logan's house and saw his mum in the kitchen cooking. "Hi Mrs Lerman," I waved. 

"Mum, this is..." Logan got interrupted. "Selena Gomez," Mrs Lerman said. "I can see it from your eyes Logan, how did she react when you told her you,".

" were her protector,"Logan said quickly. Mrs Lerman gave a puzzle look. 

"I just wondered why was it not safe to tell me," I said. "Well, there are a few reasons why," Mrs Lerman said.

"Come on, I'll show you my room," Logan said as he led me into his room.

He opened the white painted door and I entered a very clean room. Suddenly, something hard hit me. It was a pillow.

"Oh you want a pillow fight?" I laughed. Logan then threw a pillow at me, AGAIN.

I picked up the pillow and started throwing it at him.

I sat behind his study table to avoid the pillows when suddenly a pair of sneakers were infront of me. I looked up and saw Logan. A hard pillow hit my face. 

I stood up and bashed him with a soft pillow and the feathers came out of the pillow. Just like in movies.

"I'm tired," I said as I lied down on his bed."Oh, feathers are everywhere," Logan said as he lied next to me.

"I'm tired of life. You shouldn't have stopped me from going to the Dark angel's side," I said. "Harry's not worth dying," Logan said. "Then who is? You?" I joked. Logan laugehd sadly.

Suddenly my eyes were closing. My body was weak. 


"Selena? Selena," someone shook my body. I opened my eyes and saw Logan.

"Oh, I fall asleep? What time isit?" I asked sleepily. I nice smell wafted to my nose.

"Don't worry, it had just been half an hour since you slept. The food is ready," Logan said.

I got up and walked down to his dining room. 

"Ah, Selena, you're awake. Come eat, I cooked pasta today," Mrs Lerman said. I sat down and saw a plate full of spaghetti. It has been a while since I ate spaghetti.

I took a fork and stirred the tomato sauce with the pasta. I munched on the spaghetti and it tasted really nice. Really different from what I always had at home.

Suddenly there was knocks on the door. "I'll get it," Logan said as he got off his chair and walked to the door. I heard Logan's panic voice. 

"Selena!" Niall shouted as he ran into the dining room. "The moon is stolen, all the other angels vanished except for us. Apparently, we still have our wings and our powers are not gone..YET," Liam said.

I dropped my fork. "Lets go," I said. "I got to go mum..I think it is time to tell her," Logan said. I zapped ourselves to the Dark Angel's Lair.


When we reached, we hid behind a rock(AGAIN). We were watching Gaseres suck angel's powers into his stick when suddenly we got grabbed by Effera and Megix. "Aha! Caught you, aren't you Harry's friends?" Megix said.

Harry looked at me in the eyes. I bit my lip to tell myself to look away but I couldn't. Effera walked over to Harry and held his hand. She even KISSED him on the lips. That just stabbed my heart. Obviously Logan was looking too so he turned me 180 degrees to not make me see. 

Megix laughed and pushed 4 of us to Gaseres. "Why would Harry do that? That is so unlike him," Liam whispered.

"Oh, you guys again. That girl looks familliar," Gaseres said. "Duh, he's Harry's ex," Effera said.

Megix pushed us onto the ground so we would bow infront of 'Lord' Gaseres. "And that boy too, the one next to that girl," Gaseres said. The only one next to me was Logan, he must be talking about Logan. 

"Oh, the one whose girlfriend killed herself," Effera said. Logan punched the ground, "How did you know?". 

"Remember she heard voices? I was the voice," Effera said. "So she listened to me and killed herself, the end,". 

I felt Logan's head on my shoulder. He must be really upset."And you, are you from the Gomez family?" Gaseres said as he pointed to me. I nodded.

"Your mum..." Gaseres whispered. "What about her?" I asked worridly. "Take their powers Megix and Harry. NOW!" Gaseres shouted, Harry and Megix picked 4 of us up. Logan and I had our wands in our pockets. "We lost our powers, go escape now," I heard Niall whisper in my ear.

"Harry, how could you do this to us?" Liam asked. I quickly took out my wand, "ASPEREGUS!" I yelled as I pointed my wand to Megix. It was a attack spell. "Sorry Harry.." I whispered. "ASPEREGUS!".

"If you ever want to see your mother again Selena, you better stop!" Megix yelled. I stopped moving.

"My mother's..dead," I stammered. "No she isn't, she is still alive. Dark angels took her away when you were a baby," Megix said. "Just like her mother, trying to stop us from war," Gaseres said.

"How about a real war? Dark angels vs others, meanwhile, you let the angels go," Logan said.

"Fine, a war, in a week. If a team retreats, all of this will stop," Gaseres said. "Now, let the angels go," Logan said. "Fine! Guards let them fly off," Gaseres yelled. 

The guards let go of the angels and the angels flied off to somewhere safe.


Me and Logan were zapped to my house.

"In case I die, I want to spend this 1 whole week with you. Promise me," Logan said. "Why would you die?" I asked. "Because I'm protecting you instead of myself," Logan said.

 "I promise," I whispered.

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