Chapter 18; -SHORT- Just the beginning

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"Selena! Selena! SELENA!" That dream again...

I woke up, sweating all over. My heart pounded fast. I looked over to the clock and it was 3 a.m. 


My phone rang, who could call me at this timing? I grabbed my phone and saw Logan's contact name appearing on my screen.

"Hello?" I answered. "I knew it, you were awake," Logan said. "How did you know?" I asked. 

"I just know so," Logan said.

"Why are you awake?" I asked. "I'm planning on how our training for war should be," Logan said. 


After a few hours, Logan and I went to the wizards world to talk about the war. We gathered Wizards, fairies, zombies, werewolves, angels and protectors. 

"We gathered everyone here to inform you about the war between us and the Dark Angels," Logan announced. 

A few of "What?"s filled the room.

"I know its shocking but if we don't win this war, we might all die and Dark angels will take over the world!" I exclaimed.

"And we will never let that happen!" Logan shouted. Cheers were heard, people were getting excited. "But we have to train hard to win, are we all in this?" I yelled.

"YEAH!" the crowd cheered. 

"Lets do this!' Logan laughed. "What if we die?" I asked. "We'll die together then," he sighed.

I punched Logan in the stomach, "No way I want to die!".

The training rooms will be located at the Wizard world's safety camp. 

"Hey Selena, someone's here to see you," Louis said. I looked to Logan. "He's waiting at the back," Zayn said.

I walked over to the back and saw Harry. I stopped walking. 

"Selena.." Harry said when he saw me. "Leave me alone," I said. 

"No! Sel," Harry yelled as he ran after me. Harry grabbed my hand and said "I NEVER wanted that to happen, you know that,". 

"Now I'm going to lose you, I just want you to know I always had love you," Harry whispered. "I don't," I said as I shook his hand off. "Its that Logan guy right? You fell in love with him," Harry said.

"WHAT!?" I exclaimed. "It hurts me Selena," Harry said in an angry tone. "I'll see you in a week Harry," I said as I walked away. I looked out and apparently Logan was watching. 

"You okay?" Logan asked. "I'm fine," I whispered.


(Logan and I went to his house)

We walked to the back of his house where a swimming pool was placed. And also his backyard had a pair of swings placed. We sat at the swings and talked about the war.

"If you lost me, what would you do?" I asked. "Isn't that a question you should ask Harry?" Logan asked. "Harry? That jerk? Forget about it," I said.

"Oh and that reminds me, once, I read a book and it was about a guy and a girl. They were in love when this guy best friend of her secretly loves her," Logan talked about the story. "But he can't be with her because she doesn't love him back but the best friend dares to sacrifice his life for her,".

"Wow, that is so touching," I said. "How did the story end?".

"It is just the beginning," Logan said. 'Just the beginning'? What was that supposed to mean?

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