Chapter 2: Wanna Join?

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Katrina's POV

"Would you want to join 5 Seconds of Summer?" I blurted out. Why did I do that?! What is wrong me with me?! "I'll be drummer?" He asked.

"No... You're going to be the Pie Maker." I said sarcatically. He rolled his eyes.

"Sure," he beamed.

"Also...well you should talk to them soon." I said. "Thanks Katrina, I will," he hugged me and walked off to the lounge.

I sighed and pulled out my phone to text luke.

K- call ashton

l- dont have his number

k- 657-234-1254


I walked up to my room and slumped into the desk chair. How am I going to deal with school now? Well there's is Lacey and Mika, but Luke, Cal,and I have been friends since we were little. Not saying we aren't as close to Michael, just I wasn't close friend with him until year 5.

"Kitty!" Ashton called. I sighed, is he in on that too?!

"What?!" I yelled. "Where are you?" He asked. "My room!" I sighed. I walked over to my dresser when there was a small knock on my door. "Can I come in?" Ashton asked.

"You already are but sure," I laughed. "What's on your mind? You're quiet," he noted. "Nothing." I lied.

He shrugged and jumped on my bed. "Nice room," he said looking around. "Was that sarcastic or?" I asked. He shook his head.

"You play guitar?" He asked picking up my guitar that my dad gave me for my 16th birthday. I kept it by my bed because I always played something at night. "Yes, and drums," I nodded.

"Me too!!" He exclaimed. "I know that dumbass," I joked. He blushed and I rolled my eyes. "You have a set?" He asked. "Yes...actually, follow me," I said.

I hurried out of my room and to a small room in the back of the house. I pushed open the door and stepped in. "Holy fudge balls.." Ashton sighed. I giggled, "I don't even read music but I have a piano," I said. It was a beautiful piano that I would mess around with but alas I didn't read music.

"Well then I'll teach you!" He pulled me over and sat down. He started banging on the keys and singing terribly off key. "No Ashton stop!" I laughed so hard I was crying.

"This is like a tiny recording studio!" He exclaimed once he was done. "It is," I nodded. "I don't get why those boys don't record here." He said. "They don't know I have this room even," I replied.

"No way! This could keep them here though!" He exclaimed walking over to the drums. "Play something." He handed me drum sticks. "Ok, and please nothing gonna keep them from leaving," I sighed. "Well it is a good that they didn't turn it down," he thought. "I guess, what do you want me to play?" I asked. He shrugged and I just sat behind my set and started playing. It actually sounded pretty good.

Ashton started tapping his foot to my beat then suddenly bursted into some violent monkey dance. "Um." I stopped playing. "Weirdo..." I said as serious as I could. "Yeah...." He trailed. We both burst out laughing.

"Whoa.." A voice came from the door. We turned to see Luke standing there. "Oh look who's here." Ashton grumbled. "Hey kitty," Luke smiled. "Hi Lukey Pooky," I teased. "You forgot this," he said handing me my book. "Oh thank you," I said taking my book from him. "This is your new drummer Ashton," I said. They awkwardly shook hands. "Aren't you supposed to be friends? Or become friends anyways?" I asked. "Yeah..." They both laughed. "Let's go to the lounge yeah?" I asked. "Sure," the both agreed.

As we walked out Luke and I fell back just a bit. "I have to say it. You playing drums was hot...and why didn't you tell me you had that room?" He whispered. "Well Lukey that room was my little secret until you came," I teased. "Well Kat glad I know now," he smirked."Oh and me drumming was hot huh?" I smirked back. "Maybe," he blushed a bit. "Keep dreaming," I poked his chest. "I will," he slung his arm around my shoulders.

"No," I stepped out. "Aww Katrina," he teased. I rolled my eyes. "Why don't you two date?" Ashton asked. "Luke's my best friend, I don't see him that way," I said. "Heh yeah.." Luke nervously laughed. "What Luke?" I asked. "it's nothing," he said. "I'm gonna go get something to drink," Luke said and walked out.

"Ash where is the remote?" I asked. "Here, you have to come get it," he smirked holding it up. "Ashton!" I whined. I jumped trying to get it, I wasn't short, I was 5'6", but these freaks where giants. I jumped and grabbed the end. Ashton pulled up at the same time and we ended up falling, me on top of him. "I got the remote!" I cheered. I sat up and I was sitting on his waist. Luke walked in a looked at us.

"You sure you're only step siblings?" He asked. "Yes, ugh don't think that," I shivered and stood up. "Just checking," he gave me a small smile. "So, what to watch?" I asked. "Is Drake and Josh on?" Luke asked. "I dunno," I shrugged turning the TV on. "Ew no it's Spongebob," I frowned. "How can you not like Spongebob!?" Ashton exclaimed from his chair. "It's stupid and pointless," I shrugged. "Luke what do you think?" Ash asked him. "I like Spongebob, when she would stay over I would always put it on to annoy her," Luke smiled. "It's not funny Luke, don't make me put on The History Channel!" I threatened.

"Alright!" He sighed and sat next to me. "I'm putting on the Harry Potter marathon and you will NOT change it!" I said looking at them. They shrugged and I beamed and pressed the button. The first movie was barely starting. "I'll just get comfortable," Luke said his voice held a smirk. He leaned on me and kicked his feet up. I shrugged at him and he looked at me surprised. "That usually annoys you," he said. "I'm about to watch over 24 hours of Harry Potter, I'm pretty damn happy," I said. Ashton laughed at us. Luke smiled and set his head in my lap.

"Now shhh pay attention!" I giggled and started to watch the movie.

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