Chapter 5

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Katrina's POV


I suddenly felt extremely self conscious. So I ran upstairs and changed, and tried to pull my hair up, only I was missing my brush.

I twisted the hairtie around my hair and pulled it tight. "Katrina?" Luke called. My stomach knotted. "She's not here!" I called. "Kat," he groaned. He walked over to the bathroom. "Sorry about those idiots." He mumbled. "It's fine, really," I said.

My phone vibrated, he picked it up. "Mika wants to know if you want to meet her and Lacey at her house?" He read. "Yeah sure." I nodded. "Do we have to leave or can we stay?" He asked. "Ashton lives here, you can stay." I said. "But I wanna come," he whined. "I swear Lucas if I see you at her house I will hurt that pretty face of yours," I threatened. "So my face is pretty?" He smirked. I shook my head. "Shut up."

He looked at me. "So you're going to leave?" He asked. "For a little." I said putting on my mascara. "Oh so no eyeliner today?" Luke asked. I shook my head. "No," I said. "Aw," he frowned. "Has Aleisha shown you what the different make up is?" I asked. "You have." He said. I nodded and looked at what I was wearing. "Good enough," I sighed. He handed me my phone. "Be safe," he said. "Luke I'm going to a friends house," I said. He shrugged. "A lot can happen," he said standing up. He walked with me down stairs.

"I'm going to Mika's," I said. "An axe murderer could walk thru the door," he said. "That's not gonna happen," I said. "Maybe it could happen," he said. "Lucas," I said. "Katrina." He said back, "I'll be fine," I assured him.

He sighed defeatedly. "Just watch out for strangers. Don't answer the door. Don't get into strange vans. If anything goes wrong you call me first and don't you dare take drugs or drink al-" I kissed his cheek. "Luke, I'll be fine," he huffed. "Just don't take candy from-"

"See everyone later!! Bye!" I yelled and I shut the door on Luke.


When I got to Mika's house the house was quiet. "Mika?!" I yelled. "In my room!" She called back. I walked down stairs into her room. "Hey Lace." I said. "Hey," she smiled. "So Mika has to tell us something?" She asked looking at Mika pointedly. "Oh, well you know how I am when it like comes to" She asked. We nodded. "I may have found someone," she said. "Awesome!"

"I can't wait to meet him!" Our responses overlapped.

"Yeah but that thing is is that this he is actually a she," she tucked her head under her pillow. Lacey and I looked at each other.

"You have a girlfriend?" I inquired. "Yes. Why aren't you guys weirded out by this?" She asked. "So wait what..?" Lacey asked. "I'm Bi, I like guys and I like girls, but the person who makes me happy just so happens to be a girl," she said. "Oh figures." Lacey nodded. "What do you mean?" Mika asked. "Your past boyfriends were never good enough for you," Lacey said. "How old is she?" I asked. "She's a year younger," she blushed. "Aw," Lacey and I both said.

"Can we meet her today?" I asked. "What's her name?" Lacey asked. "Yes and Riley Malone." Mika smiled. "Call her," Lacey grinned. "No! FaceTime her!" I said. "Please don't weird her out," Mika said. "She's dating you," Lacey said. "What's that supposed to mean?" Mika asked. "Nothing just call her already!" I exclaimed. "She can come over you know," Mika said. "Just we want to meet her." Lacey sighed. Mika nodded and picked up her phone. She clicked Riley's contact and put it on speaker. "Don't say a thing." Mika looked at us warningly. I pretended to zip my mouth shut. Lacey laughed, "no promises." She said. Mika rolled her eyes.



"Hey Mika! What's up?"

"Do you wanna come over? I have a few friends that wanna meet you,"

"How many is few because you know I get uncomfortable quickly,"

"Only two people. Come on."

"Okay I'll be there in like 6minutes,"

"Alright, see you then Ri,"


Then the line went dead. Mika was smiling broadly. "She sounds innocent." Lacey commented. "She is," Mika nodded. "Please don't corrupt her," I said. "Not even a little bit?" "No please don't. She doesn't even sound like someone who's even sure of her sexuality," I said. "Are you saying that you don't approve of this?" Mika asked. I shook my head. "That's not what I meant. I just meant be careful. She'll get hurt easier than you," Mika nodded.

"She's amazing, I don't want to hurt her," Mika said. "I know," Lacey and I nodded. "Do you guys want anything?" She asked. "Water," Lacey and I both said. "Then come with me." She said. "To the magical kitchen!" Lacey exclaimed. I laughed and got up.

When we were getting cups the doorbell rang. Mika went to get it. "Hey Ri," I heard Mika. Her voiced sounded like a smile. "Hi," Riley's voice was as innocent as it got. "Come on in. Lacey! Katrina!" We came walking out of the kitchen.

Riley stood there wide-eyed. She was little, petite. She had on a big sweater, skinny jeans, and converse. "Hi! I'm Lacey!" She went over and embraced Riley in a hug. I saw Riley stiffen but then relax a bit once Lacey let go. "Hi I'm Katrina but you can called me Kat," I smiled at her and she waved awkwardly.

"I'm Riley," she smiled. "You guys wanna go to my room?" Mika asked. We all nodded in agreement. Mika held her hand out a little. Riley smiled and laced her hand with Mika's. I awwed inwardly. I didn't wanna make Riley more uncomfortable. We all walked up to Mikas room and Lacey and I made ourselves comfortable on the bed. "Guys.." Mika said. We shrugged. Riley only came up to mikas shoulder. She looked up at her. Mika sat on the bed, she held her arms out for Riley. Riley smiled and Mika pulled Riley onto her lap. "So Riley how is year 10?" Lacey asked.

"Hm? Oh good." She said simply. "How'd you meet Mika?" I asked. "We were at Barnes and Noble and we reached for the same book. Then Mika was like 'Oh you like James Patterson?'" Riley said changing her voice to mock Mika. "I do not talk like that!" Mika protested. "You kinda do," Riley giggled, "anyways then we talked about the other books and now we are here." "It was kind of like our first date because you bought my book and I bought you coffee." She added.

Mika smiled at her, "I guess so yeah," she nodded. "So how long have you two been together?" Lacey asked. They looked at each other. "3 weeks?" Mika asked. Riley nodded. "Just about. Somewhere around there." She said. "Serious question." Lacey said. Mika and I knew what Lacey's 'serious' questions were, but Riley didn't. Riley went ridged in Mika's arms. "Lacey..." Mika warned. "Don't worry it won't be that serious." I said. "Have you two kissed?" Lacey asked.

"Umm yeah. It was sort of a cliche on the first date kiss. She dropped me off at my house and then as a good night, I guess, she kissed me," Riley said blushing. "Wow I never thought Mika would be the one for first date kisses," I teased.

"I-I'm not it just happened..." Mika trailed. "It didn't bother me," Riley looked at her. "Good," Mika laughed. You could see there was some sort of a spark between them.

"You two are so cute! Makes me want to have a girlfriend or boyfriend. Kat will you be my girlfriend?" Lacey said. "Katrina has Luke," Mika said. "Right! How is Luke?" Lacey said.

"Oh I'm not dating Luke, but he's good." I said. "Sure you're not," Lacey scoffed. "His girlfriend is Aleisha." I said. "That son of a-" "Mika!" I exclaimed. "She just isn't right for him! She doesn't know anything about him!" Mika ranted. "Jeez Mika. You have Riley," I said laughing. "I know," Mika grinned. She squeezed Riley a little bit. Riley blushed and looked down.

We talked about random stuff until Lacey dragged me to the hallway. "What?" I asked. "You haven't seen the way Riley keeps glancing at Mika and vice versa?" She asked. "No?" I asked confused, "Is it a bad way?" Lacey shook her head, "no no, watch." We peered into Mika's room. She was smiling at Riley, who leaned forward and kissed Mika's nose quickly.

I awwed. "They are adorable." Mika hugged Riley tightly. "Okay I approve. Now Katrina." Lacey turned to me. "We're going to be spending a lot f time together now that the boys are leaving, and I suggest that if you don't want to grow tired of me you just tell me everything about you and Luke now." She chuckled. "There's not much to say, he's been my best friend since we were little." I said simply

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2016 ⏰

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