Chapter Twelve

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Tara carried the tack out and let Jewel run loose in the ring. Jewel tossed her head and pranced around proudly, showing off to Laverne Coggins as she snapped action photos.

"Jewel." Tara snapped her fingers twice and Jewel trotted over to stand in front of her. Tara tossed the saddle pad and half pad onto Jewel's back and laid them out before setting the saddle down. Jewel reached around and sniffed the leather as Tara pulled the girth up tight. She adjusted her straps and let the stirrups down before slipping the bridle on. Jewel took the bit gently and chewed on it as she waited.

Laverne watched Tara and Jewel as they walked around the ring, Jewel with her head tucked almost to her chest. She took photos and asked questions simultaneously. "What exactly is your current training program? Current goals?" She paused and with one hand on her hip, she asked one final question. "How did you end up with this horse?"

"My current program?" Tara dropped the reins and walked Jewel on leg and vocal cues. "Well I try to ride daily, lots of ground work, basics, some jumping. I guess for goals, I want to work on my personal form and riding technique, Jewel is pretty flawless." Jewel snorted in agreement.

Tara pressed for a trot and Jewel floated around the jumps. "To answer your last question," Tara changed diagonals. "My mom and dad bought her at an auction when I was four. Mom says that they weren't planning on buying a horse then, but Jewel just seemed to stand out."

"How so?" Laverne held her notepad and cocked her head a bit to the side, listening intently.

"Mom says that despite being severely underweight and wormy, she still looked...intelligent, powerful, alert."

Tara sat back in the saddle and Jewel came to a stop. She sniffed the ground and swatted a fly away with her tail. Laverne walked over and stroked her face before asking for some jumps. Tara nodded and picked up her reins. They circled the jumps and began a basic course, positioning themselves in front of Laverne Coggins' camera. After two or three rounds, Tara let Jewel slow to a walk and she patted her slightly sweaty neck.

"Well Miss Tara, I believe I have enough for an article!" Laverne waited for Tara to dismount. Tara walked her out to her car, Jewel following close behind, then shook Laverne's hand before she climbed into her vehicle and drove away.

With the reins in hand, Tara led Jewel into the barn to untack and clean up. Jewel stood patiently in the entrance while Tara worked with the buckles on the girth. She carried the saddle and pads over to their place and then took the bridle off. Jewel snorted and flipped her upper lip up.

"Okay lets go." Tara laughed and turned Jewel out into the field and went inside for a drink. Her dad had returned to the table with his paper. He looked up expectantly.

" was it?"

Tara fixed a glass of water and sat down. "I think it went really well. She seemed genuinely interested in our story."

"That's good. She should be interested." Mr. Douglas set his paper down on the table. "What you two have, that's special. Unique. You don't see that in the horse world anymore."

Tara was slightly surprised by his words. Her father always supported her in her equestrian dreams, but he didn't have much interest otherwise. To hear him say something on that level was truly special.

She smiled, stood, and went up to her room to call Harley. The phone barely rang even once when Harley answered, her voice mumbled, probably because she was sneaking her favorite chips.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2017 ⏰

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