Note to my AWESOME Readers! :D

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Hey guys! Can you belive it?! Wattpad will only let you post 100 parts to a story?! Kinda stupid, but I guess they need to have a limit. So, since I know I'll have more poems, I'll just make a part two. I hope you guys read this just as much as the other one, but if not, then oh well. Writting poems keep me from cutting so I will contiune to do it! XD


P.S. WARNING: content in this story may trigger emotional distress when read! Please read with caution if you are a self-harmer, and when reading something about pain or stress makes you want to self-harm. I do not want to cause anyone to self-harm, these poems are to help people understand about self-harm. The 1st part got through to a handful of people (THAT I KNOW ABOUT) that told me their feelings about the poems and how it affected them. Please do not be afriad to tell me.

Poems for Everything(Part#2)Where stories live. Discover now