9. Mother

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Third Person POV

Nearly ten minutes after Annabeth told Leo the truth about her relationship issues and he comforted her, she had calmed down. The two watched as the morning slowly past, bringing other Slytherins dressed and ready for classes into the common room, and eventually, Draco Malfoy was among them. He walked over to the pair and smiled.

"So, you guys ready for breakfast." He asked.

"We've been 'ready' for nearly an hour now. Where the hell have you been?" Came Annabeths sarcastic reply. Leo snorted, while Draco just rolled his eyes, his smile unwavering. The three headed to the Great Hall.

Upon entering, they didn't pay to much attention to their surroundings, nor did those who were already in the great hall pay them attention. Well... one did. A certain Gryffindor wit sea-green eyes glared at Draco Malfoy from his table. Unfortunately, the only one who noticed this glare was unaware of why Percy Jackson may harbor some hatred towards him. Draco Malfoy himself was the only one who noticed the loathing expression Percy Jackson was sending his way. A confused expression then graced his features. Did I do something? Draco wondered. He decided he'd best ask his friends.

"Uh... guys?" Annabeth and Leo followed Draco's gaze, and their faces paled. They didn't want to burden Draco with the guilt he would surely feel if he discovered he had played a part in the downfall of Percy and Annabeth's relationship. "What is it? Did I do something?" Draco asked them. Annabeth and Leo shared grave expressions before Annabeth  broke the silence.

"Look, Draco-" BOOM!

The entire school shook and the doors to the great hall burst open. Something resembling black smoke charged into the great hall - right towards the Slytherin table. The smoke reached out and grabbed Draco by his collar, pulling him off the bench and into the air.

"Draco!" Annabeth cried, reaching for his hand. He reached for hers as well, but the smoke figure jerked upward, so that the pair were just out of each others reach. "Annabeth!" Draco called back.

The smoke figure went straight through the window, smashing it, and it flew away into the distance, taking Draco Malfoy with it.


Draco didn't know how long he was airborne, minutes, hours... it didn't matter. He had no idea where he was going, as he ended blacking out for a while - how long, he knew not. Eventually, he saw a castle in the distance. For a moment, he thought it was Hogwarts, but as he got closer he wondered. It certainly looked like Hogwarts, withe the same shape and architecture, but there were a few things about it that were just... different.

For one thing, it was made of pure black marble. For another, there was this... storm above it. Above it as in, only above the castle. It was a giant dark grey cloud with thunder and lightning and rain that was only above the castle and it's grounds even though all around the castle and it's grounds was clear skies. Draco didn't know how else to describe it, it was like in cartoons when someone has a cloud over their head, except instead of a person it was an halloween-styled Hogwarts replica.

The black smoke that carried Draco got inside of the castle and went into the great hall 2.o (which didn't have any tables or benches or anything), where it put him down. The scene that greeted Draco was horrifying. There, in that room, were all the death eaters that had survived the war. Including his former classmates, Pansy Parkinson and Blaise Zabini. The smoke went to the front of the room, and there stood Lucius Malfoy, his 'father'.

"What the hell?" Draco couldn't comprehend it. These people had gone to Azkaban! Everyone but him and his former classmates, who'd been excused on account of their age, were meant to be in prison.

"I know it's a lot to take in. But even with the Dark Lord gone, our cause still lives son. Prison cannot hold us when we fight for the greater good." Lucius said. Son. He called me son. As always when Lucius called him that, Draco wanted to scream at the top of his lungs, I AM NOT YOUR SON!  But he couldn't. He had always hated the death eaters. They spoke of nobility and righteousness, and they killed the innocent who couldn't help the situation of their birth. And even if they could, it wouldn't effect their ability to preform magic at all. Yet, as always, Draco knew he would have to play along. He had to protect his cover. He looked around. Everyone in this room was looking at him. Ignoring the unhappyness it caused him, he decided to voice the little saying death eaters had.

"Hail Voldemort." He said. The room erupted into cheers, and everyone chanted "HAIL VOLDEMORT! HAIL VOLDEMORT! HAIL VOLDEMORT!"


In his bed in the dorms, Draco lie soundlessly, but awake. Then without warning, he was falling. His bed disappeared beneath him, and he landed on a hard surface. Dazed, he sat up, and looked around he room. It was pure white, as if he was in the middle the the moon.

"Draco." He turned to the voice, and realised what this was. He was getting a message from Chaos. His bed disappearing beneath him had been him falling through a portal. Because, standing there, was a friend. Not a friend he had only known a few months or years. But a woman who had helped raise him. One of the people he had missed so much when he was on this quest. It was someone from home.

Draco smiled at the figure who had sort of taken on the roll of his mother for the last eleven years before he'd gone on this quest. She had adopted this roll as Draco didn't actually have parents.

"Doctor." She greeted him using his code name.

"Mother." He used her code name. She'd gotten this code name for two reasons, first she'd died protecting her child, like a mother should, and secondly she was always so... motherly. So kind and generous and selfless, putting others before herself, giving people advice when they needed it. She also gave one good scolding to people when they did something wrong.

It was such a shame her son had never gotten to be raised by her. It's a shame she never got to raise Harry Potter.

"Please, Draco, call me Lily." She smiled warmly.

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