27. Cat-Eyed Warlock

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Third Person POV

The great hall was now silent. Draco narrowed his eyes. "Did you send him anywhere specific in that book series?"

Lucius laughed. "He'd be long dead by now. That book series took place long ago. And since you can only open the portal with my blood, even if you take it forcefully, I choose when you arrive there. And I'll ensure you arrive modern day." He said. Draco glared.

"At the very least... I can bring back the body."

Draco flew into the great hall once again, this time with the pedestal. He set it down next to Lucius. He took out a dagger, grabbed Lucius' wrist, and held his hand over the pedestal, cutting into his palm with the dagger. The blood dripped onto the marble.


It didn't quite happen as expected. Draco thought he'd have to go in the portal and search. But as soon as the portal opened, two figures fell through, one noticeably not human.

The two were fighting, sort of wrestling as they rolled on the floor. One figure was humanoid, the other a cross between a human sized spider and a human sized scorpion. In panick, a Slytherin pointed their wand towards the creature, who was currently on top of the humanoid.

"Avada Kadavra!" They shouted fearfully.

It went limp. The person underneath pushed it off, getting to his feet.

Lucius gasped.

The guy, maybe 18, was platinum blonde, with sky blue eyes. His hair was short, his frame square. He was fit, in a black muscle t-shirt, with a fitted black blazer over top, dark blue skinny jeans, and dark grey sneakers. His skin was fair, and he had black eyeliner on his eyes, making them pop. He looked towards the windows. It was night.

"Quinton!?" Lucius demanded.

Quinton looked to him and smirked. "Hello Lucius." His eyes changed, shifting into a much deeper blue, and changing to cats eyes. "Bet you never expected to see me ever again."

Everyone stared at Quinton in shock and awe. Lucius took a shaky breath, unable to comprehend what was happening, how he was here.

"Ho-how are you... you should be dead!" His voice was unsteady. Quinton's smirk dropped instantly off his face. His father had thrown him away like he was nothing. He'd known Lucius hated him. Still... those were the first words the man said to him? It did hurt.

Quinton sighed. "In the world you... sent me to, there are immortal beings called warlocks. Sense they are the closest thing that world has to wizards, and you sent me into that world without an anchor, I, over the course of a year or two, became one. If it was a parallel earth, like an earth two, rather than a parallel universe, I would have become another version of myself, but as it was a parallel universe, there was no other version of me who's life I could steal. It's a bit complicated... but anyways, I couldn't steal the life of another version of myself, so instead, I just became a creature from that world, as you know, and now I am immortal, and all my memories are in tact. My magic, however, is different from yours. I don't need verbal nonsense nor a wand to preform spells. I can't fly though, sadly..." He finished explaining how he was still alive, and many stared at him, awestruck. Hermione, however, decided to voice the question only Quinton knew the answer to.

"What was that... thing!?" She pointed towards the now disentigrating creature. Quinton glanced at it for no more then a moment, then looked back at Hermione with a raised eyebrow and an expression that said it was obvious. He let it go, now adorning a poker face, and decided to answer.

"A demon." He said casually. Everyone around him recoiled in horror, some letting out indignant squeaks. Quinton blinked in surprise. His brows furrowed, his cat eyes glinting with confusion. He glanced at Lucius, then turned his head slowly back to Hermione.

"Uh... are those not normal here?" He asked. The students slowly shook there heads. Quinton sighed. Must be nice... he thought to himself. "Right then..."

William Wallowa was staring at him intently. He walked up behind Quinton, ignoring the stares, reaching up to tug on his sleeve. "Hey mister!" He said. Quinton turned to him in surprise, his eyebrows raised.

"What's up with your eyes?" William asked. Quinton, not expecting the question, looked at him in slight surprise.

"Oh, well um... it's my warlock mark." At the blank stares he received, Quinton continued, "every warlock had at least one supernatural feature. It's how you usually identify them. Some have horns, others wings, then there's the ones with lizard tails, or even gills, or the ones like me, with cat eyes.

"How do warlocks get their magic?" William questioned. At this, Quinton hesitated.


I'm sorry this is short, but this seemed like a good place to end it. I'll do everything I can to update by the end of the week, I promise.

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