26. Where Quinton Is

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Sorry it's so short, but the reason is that the next chapter will be best on its own. I'll update again soon, I promise!!
Third Person POV

"Where's Draco?" Annabeth asked. Right then, the windows shatters and a winged figure (Draco) flew threw the window, and threw someone to the ground. People stared in shock.

"Lucius?" James asked, looking at the blonde man on the ground. Draco willed his winged to disappearing his back.

"Sorry I didn't tell anyone where I was going. You may have stopped me." He then explained himself.

Draco's POV

The last of the Death Eaters are locked up in the dungeons at Planet Chaos. They will never get out, it's impossible, but they will be treated humanly. The younger ones, the ones our age, are at the ministry. They are yet to be tried. Chaos wanted me to just monitor while your species delt with this yourselves. I was only to help, as we do not control law enforcement on planet earth. That's why I've been hidden this whole time, and why things got as bad as they did. But Lucius harming Narcissa's son, it changed things. The only reason I came was to protect James son, because James is in the army. But since Lucius is head of the Death Eaters, and he and Narcissa were married, and he harmed her son... well, it gave me all I needed to validate eliminating the Death Eaters myself. I explained this to everyone as best I could. Once they were all caught up, I took of the silence and paralysis spells I had cast on Lucius. Immediately, he stood up and lunged at me. I side stepped, and he went head first into a wall. I took out a vile of veritaserum. I forced him to drink it.

"How did you send your son to a parallel universe?" I asked. He tried to stay silent, but the serum denied his wishes.

"It's a secret in the Malfoy family. In our manner, in the basement, there is a room. Within it, a pedestal. If a Malfoy allows his blood to drop onto it, a portal will open. But there's a catch."

"And what's that?"

"It won't just send you it no the multiverse, but a universe created in this world. Like the universe of a book series, or those silly muggle television things."

Everyone stared at Lucius with awe. No one had known this.

But Draco had one more question.

"Where did you send him?" Lucius looked at him in the eyes, his expression spiteful. But he had to answer.

"I sent him to the worst place I could find. Into a muggle book series where demons are real."

"What was it called?" Draco asked. Lucius tried to stay silent as best he could. But eventually it became to much.

"The Infernal Devices!" He cried out.

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