39. Mom (Epilogue At End)

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This is it! The last chapture! The big mother-son reunion! OK, I know you probably just wanna read the story, so without further ado....

Third Person POV

Everything and everyone withen sight froze. All was absolutely still and silent. Narcissa stood at the entrance to the large hall, her face streaked with tears, her eyes red and swollen. Her eyes were fixed on him. Her expression was one of shock, as though she had not anticipated him, though that was inaccurate. He was the only reason she was here.

Upon her arrival, Lucius stiffened, tensed by her presence. He hadn't seen her since- oh... he hadn't seen her since... since he...

But it didn't matter anyway, for she paid him no mind. She simply kept her gaze locked of Quinton. Her son... Then as if everything wasn't still enough, all slowed down as she begun walking towards him. And now she stood, maybe just a foot away from him. She lifted her left hand to touch his cheek, only to hesitate when he tensed at the coming contact. Both looked hurt, unsure if what to say. Quinton bit his lip, looking down to the floor. Narcissa was shaking at the emotional battle now happening inside her as she stood before him. Her breathing was uneven.

"...Quinton?" She asked in a fragile voice. He looked up at her. As he stared, his eyes changed. They changed from the cat eyes they usually were, back to the normal way they had been when he'd first been seen I the great hall. Now normal, the eyeliner he still wore caused their vibrant blue to stand out. And as his mother held his gaze, they seemed to glass over. In spite of this, however, no tears fell.

Narcissa let out a breath she hadn't known she was holding as she and her child gazed at one another.

"Ah... my beautiful boy!" She said, sounding on the verge of tears (which she was). She pulled him into a tight, fierce hug, forgetting how he had tensed earlier at her oncoming touch. For a moment, he froze. From shock or dislike, he wasn't sure. But as he found himself content with the touch, he decided on shock, and - after a moments hesitation - returned the embrace. "Why didn't you come home to me?" She whispered the question in his ear. Quinton's eyes, which he had closed amidst the display of affection, flew open, and he swiftly, though not angrily, pulled away from the hug, shock crystal clear on his face as he stared at her.

"But-you... I-... I thought you didn't want me anymore!" He said in an even but shocked voice. Narcissa's eyes widened and she looked at him in horror.

"What? No! No, sweety, my memories were erased!" She desperately cried. "I love you!" And she did. He could see that very clearly, and so could all others. She said those words with such certainty only a fool might doubt they were true, and all wise knew they were. Quinton fought tears that threatened to spill at those words, blinking them away. He looked up, staring at his mother.

She loved him.

He took a shaky breath, stepping forward and resuming the embrace. He buried his head in the crook of her neck. "...I love you two," he breathed. "...Mom."



After a tearful goodbye, Harry had to say farewell to his parents once again. Then, reluctantly, James and Lily returned back to Planet Chaos, though they promised to visit.

Quinton ended up going back to Planet Chaos to live with them and his mother and the rest of the army. It wasn't technically permanent... but he and his mother wanted to spend time together. Besides, the rest of the army were more than happy to become more acquainted with him as well. And they made it very clear that even after he would eventually leave, there would always be a room for him to return to there if ever he were to wish.

Percy, Annabeth, and Leo went back to camp. Things between Percy and Annabeth were still shaky, but they were working on it. One day, they would return to each others arms.

Hogwarts would eventually regain some sense of normality, as much a sense of normality as there could be at a wizarding school, and William was eventually treated as he once had been, regaining his old friends.

A few weeks after... everything, Lucius went missing from Azkaban. It worried many, but Quinton, however, strongly suspected that it had something to do with a certain blue-haired girl with clockwork tattoos.

Eventually people stopped worrying, or at least, finally dismissed ideas of Lucius reappearing, though many were still weary.

So that was that. It was all over, tied up in a neat little bow. All was calm once again.

Peaceful, once again...

But really.... how long does peace last around here?


The End!

Whew! That's a wrap guys!
How do you feel? And how's the last line sit with you? You mad at me? Ah well.

Sorry for how long this took me, and all the issues with updates and everything. But if I'm being honest, I'd like to think it was worth it. It's been a great run guys, and I love you all so much, and thank you for staying with me!

See you all again someday. Bye!! :D

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