Meeting each other

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Lauren: hey Camz, I was thinking I've never seen what you look like, can you send a pic?

Camil: I'm really ugly and how do I not know your not some old pervert.

Lauren: I'll send a pic too.

Camila: ok deal


Lauren: OH MY GOD😍😍😍 your fucking beautiful!!!

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Lauren: OH MY GOD😍😍😍 your fucking beautiful!!!

Camila: your making me blush ☺️☺️

Lauren: seriously damn girl!!

Camila: your turn :)

Lauren: oh fine



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Lauren: nah

Camila: don't you dare say that! Your HOT!

Lauren: thanks Camz.

Camila: I like your tattoo

Lauren: thank you babe :)

Camila: wanna get to know each other a little more?

Lauren: sure

Camila: ok, how old are you?

Lauren: 20 you?

Camila: 19

Lauren: cool, where do you live?

Camila: Miami you?


Camila: uh yeah. Do you live there too?!

Lauren: yeah!! We need to meet!

Camila: yeah that would be great! Wanna meet up tomorrow at the park?

Lauren: yeah! How about at 4?

Camila: sure I'll be there!

Lauren: great! I can't wait to meet you :)

Camila: same :)) I'm gonna go to bed night LoLo 💙

Lauren: night Camz 😘

Camila's POV:

I was getting ready to go meet Lauren. I'm so nervous, I mean I think I do have feelings for her. Which is weird because we've never met. But that'll change, today I finally get to meet this angel. I'll make her mine soon enough.

I was walking around at the park. Shit she's not gonna show up is she. Dammit I knew I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up. Just as I was about to leave I feel hands around my waist. I turn around and sees Lauren looking me in the eye.

{I know it was a short chapter, I will hopefully write more during the weekend. Hope you guys are liking it!}

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