Love at first sight

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Camila's POV:

There she was, looking me in the eyes. I couldn't believe it, she's finally here. "hey Camz" she said waving her hand by my face "You here?" she look at me like I had something in my teeth. "what? yeah I'm here." "ok good" she laughed. We walked around the park for hours talking until she got tired so we went back to my house to watch some movies. " nice place" she walks in smiling, looking around. "thanks Lolo" "Got any good movies?" She says as we walk into my room. "I got a bunch." I show her a closet filled with movies. She immediately sees one that catches her eye. "Let's watch this one!" We put it in.

During the movie I see her reach for my hand, but I pull away. I don't wanna have feelings for her. I can't.

Lauren's POV:

I tried to hold Camila's hand but she moved it. I knew she didn't like me. I'm embarrassed now. As soon as the movie gets over i say I need to go home immediately. I left and I knew I didn't wanna go back.

Camila's POV:

She just left... She sounded like she was crying. Did I say something? I felt so bad but there was nothing I could do. She clearly didn't want to talk to me. Maybe I'll text her later.

About three hours later I heard my phone buzz. I looked and it was Lauren.

Lauren: hey, sorry I was in a rush. I forgot I had to pick up my brother from a friends.

Camila: lauren you were crying. What did I do to make you cry?

Lauren: oh... It was nothing.

Camila: Laur pls tell me. I'm trying to be here for you.

Lauren: I don't need anyone ok! I'm fine!

Camila: fine then consider me gone..

Lauren: wait Camz.. I'm sorry

Lauren: Camila pls answer

Lauren: I know your reading these!

Lauren: pls I'm sorry. Camila PLEASE

Lauren: I LIKE YOU ok! That's why I left it's because you pulled your hand away. It's stupid I know and I'm sorry.

Camila: it's not stupid. I didn't mean to hurt you..

Lauren: I know..

Camila: Come back over? Pls we can talk.

Lauren: ... Ok

Lauren's POV:

This is gonna be so embarrassing. She now knows I like her. As I'm getting ready I just keep thinking that this is the end of our friendship and it's all my fault.

When I got there she was sitting on her bed crying. "Camz what's wrong?" I sit next to her. "I came out.. I like you to Lauren so I told my parents that I'm gay." She cried more into her hands. "Camila you didn't have to do that for me.." She looked up "of course I did. Your the first girl I really like, I'm not letting you get away." Hearing those words come out of her mouth felt like a rush. All the sudden I felt a soft pair of lips crash onto mine. She was kissing me. It didn't feel real. I kissed back wrapping my arms around her neck. She put her hands on my waist, she's so gentle. I never wanted this to end.

{hope you guys are enjoying the book!! Thank you guys so so sooo much for 100 followers!!}

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