
24 2 0

29. Acting like you're from England

What the fuck are you doing?! If you are not from the UK I dot expect you to put bum or even lads! Stop it! Stop it fucking stop it right the fuck now. I gave up on that shit a long time ago so you should too. Just eff it. You look like a stupid walrus when you do that.

30. Depression,Self Harm, and all that shit

I'm going to try to be serious...but that's probably not gonna happen muthawoo woos!(There it goes.) 

Can you plug that shit up in a bottle and throw it across the galaxy and hit a fucking alien in the head. Some fanfics it gives it a meaning but in others it makes the story shit. I wont lie to you. I fucking hate it. It annoys the complete and utter shit out of me and I'm sick of it. I am putting my size 9 foot down and shutting that shit down.


Bitch if your fucking parents get shot by a fucking clown and you get raped why the hell are you going to the movies the next day? BITCH PAUSE! Aren't you supposed to be crying and curled up in a corner sobbing out your sorrows? Yes.


hehehehehehe.Bitch no. Stop fucking giggling and laugh. I am a victim of giggleitous so I'm not going to bash this subject like a robber. I love giggling but only. to. a. certain. point.

33. Drinking

'Liam is the only sober one because he doesn't drink or can't drink. STOP FUCKING LYING! You know for a motherfucking fact that he has a beer or two or three or several times in his lifetime. Come on my marshmallow peeps get with the fudging program!

34. Louis Tomlinson

My buttery butt cheeks. Stop portraying Louis Mothershrimping Tomlinson as a 5 year old with a bad case of ADHD(Not meant to offend anyone). You make t seem like he has enough energy to power Africa. Hell I have a lot of energy and get tired after doing one full jazz routine, so cut the shit he's 21.

35. Crashing Lips

"And his lips crashed passionately into mine" Nigga do you need some insurance? You can't just go crashin shit everywhere, like what sense does that make? Hmm. NONE! If I se that one more time I'm closing wattpad and going to fanfiction.net(LOL JK That shit would never happen)


"And our tongues battled for dominance" I can't tell you how many times I've seen this. I know you're trying to add description but damn! Do your tongues need a wrestling ring to hash it out? I don't think you want a bloody tongue, because I'm sure it would taste like metal.

37. Tangled limbs

Waking up with tangled limbs is not normal! I think ya'll need a hospital cause I'm sure you need some medical help with that.

38.Bad Boy

I have seen this so many times and I'm actually in the process of coming up with one so I wont stay on this topic. 

39. Psycho Fans

I didnt know that if you were dating a member from One Direction you automaticly had to get kidnapped. Like bitch please. Get a life. Stop stalking me and get on tumblr. Stalker cunt.

40. Manwhore

I don't know if I addressed this situation so I will right now and if I did...oh well. Harry Styles is not a whore! I wont read if he is a manwhore. Sometimes it fits. Alright I'll let that shit slide. But other times it's irrelevant! The next author I see who writes he's a manwhore I promise, I will reach trough my laptop screen wrap my hand around your neck and smash your face into your computer screen.

Have a nice day.... my savoury ass cheeks(IDK what's up with the ass references. Leave me alone Mahh)


Aren't my threat just delightful! I am just the sweetest girlie girl you could ever find! Not. Hey I know you all probably hate me for not updating in a while but I have some good ass reasons.

1) I've been stressed as fuck with school

2) I have a ton of homework that I promise if I took all the homework from these pst weeks and threw them around my room it would be up to my chin(and I'm 5 feet 6 inches.)

3) I've had no motivation! All the fanfics I've read have been pretty good with the exception of the occasional one that said obs and I immediately 'x'd' 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2013 ⏰

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