A New Start

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My alarm goes off with sudden loud beeping noises. I groggily turn it off. Ugh. I thought to myself. First day of school how fantastic. Not.

I've never given much thought to my usual sleeping schedule. During my summer days I'd sleep in a lot from heading to bed so late, which made sense. Although I've never been able to get into the whole waking up at six o'clock every morning just so I wouldn't be late even if I did sleep at a decent time the night before. I lazily get up and stretch in spite of my drooping eyes.
   It turned out to be exceptionally sunny this morning in Los Angeles. It's been quite rainy the past week. As I looked outside, the sky was turning clear blue with the sun fully peaking out from beyond the earth. I then walk over to the bathroom to brush my teeth, fix my hair, and do my makeup a little. I was never a big fan in wearing a lot of makeup; some mascara, a winged eyeliner and I'll call it a day. Being a 17 year old, you'd think I'd wear a lot of makeup by now since I wasnt able to when I was in my younger teen years, but im just the type that choses not to.

  I leave my long, caramel brown hair down since I thought it was pretty from being tightly curled yesterday. I got dressed in my ripped, tight, high waisted jeans and threw on a black tee and my red, plaid flannel.
   I then grabbed my bag and headed out to the bus. I sat in the back by myself and popped in my ear buds and blasted my music. I looked around the bus nonchalantly only to see a guy wearing a similar red flannel staring at me in aw. I smiled awkwardly and looked away.

  Okay. I thought to myself. That's not weird at all. Totally normal.

I looked out the window watching all the buildings and cars pass by. I guess he must be new. I've never seen him before. I would've known. The bus came to a stop and I walked into the school. The day went on.


Class ended and lunch had started as I walked over to an empty table. I dont have any friends here and I dont mind it that way. No drama.  As I ate, I watched Jacksepticeye on YouTube. His commentary is so exceptionally hilarious, that it was hard to contain my laughter sometimes.

During the time I was eating and watching YouTube, a big, rough looking, male figured hand lightly slammed against the table right beside me. I jumped slightly for it scared me a little. "Sorry to startle you. I was wondering if I could take a seat and have lunch with you." I looked up to see who it was and saw the same man with the matching flannel looking deeply into my eyes and smiling, waiting for my response. I responded, "oh um. Sure. Go ahead and sit down." He had sat down and started asking questions trying to start a friendly conversation.
"Hello. I'm Mark Fischbach. You must be?" He said calmly.

I slightly hesitated and cleared my throat.

"Oh I'm Alexia. Alexia Straughan. Its nice to meet you Mark." I smiled shyly.

Mark smiled wide at me and I couldn't help but smile even wider contagiously. Mark shook my hand and took out his lunch and right as I was about to tune him out he asked, "So what are you watching Alexia?" I looked up from my screen to look at Mark.

"You can call me Alex and I'm watching Jacksepticeye on YouTube. You ever heard of him?" He laughed in response seeming humored by what I've said.
  He stopped laughing long enough to say,

"Jack? That's my best friend. We've known each other for a while. We are both YouTubers and that's how we know each other. Unfortunately, he lives in Ireland but you probably already knew that. I'm surprised you didn't freak out like everyone else here at the sight of me. My YouTube name is Markiplier. You can look me up later if you'd like." He smiled again at me.

I didn't know he was a YouTuber or that he was good friends with Jacksepticeye.

"Yeah I only really watch Jack. I've never heard of you. Well that's pretty cool." I smiled awkwardly at him and decided to put away my phone for now and just pay more attention to Mark.

  The day ended and I saw Mark getting on the bus and hesitatingly followed behind him onto the bus as well. I got in the back as usual and soon Mark got up and asked to sit next to me. I gladly let him.

"Hey there again."

  I waved halfly and gave him a smile and turned my focus to outside. Why is he sitting next to me? I barely even know this guy- Mark interrupted my thoughts.
  "So Alex," Mark started. "I was wondering if we could be friends?"

  I turned my face to look at him. I cleared my throat before answering. "Oh. S-sure Mark. I'll be friends with you." I smiled halfheartedly as I said that and looked around trying to be nonchalant. I saw Mark smiled widely in response and then turned his attention to his phone. I glanced slightly over to his phone and saw he was looking through his tweets and answering to fan girls and what not. I put in my ear buds and blasted music and stared outside the whole way home.

Destined: A Markiplier Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now