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I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror trying not to cry. I failed and ended up shedding tears. I agrresively wiped them away with my shaking hands and splashed cold water on my face. I then wiped my face with a towel, took a few deep breaths and headed back out. I saw Mark sitting on a couch outside the mall bathrooms anxiously waiting for me. I stood there in front of him with my arms crossed and looking away from him. He then noticed my appearance and stood up and stood really close to me. Marks hot breath on my face.

"Alexia. Please tell me what's wrong." He lifted his had as if to caress my face but ended up putting it back down.

I sat down and patted the spot next to me to make him sit with me. Mark sat down hesitantly. I took a deep breath before speaking.

"Mark. I really like you. I don't want anything to go wrong with us. I've been in too many failed, heart breaking relationships. I'm not letting myself get hurt... Not again. I thought you liked me too but I guess I was wrong." I wiped my nose and looked down.

Mark kneeled down in front of me and used his index finger to pull my face to look at his. Worry and hurt spread like a wildfire across Mark's face. He looked as if he would cry as he said,

"Alex. Honey, I would never hurt you. There's a very good reason why I said we weren't dating. Of course I really like you. Couldn't imagine anyone wouldn't. You have to understand that those fangirls spread things like this around. Jack's girlfriend got death threats when they were dating a little while back. She got so much hate and anger towards her from the fangirls all because they want Jack to be single or... I don't know exactly why. Fangirls will be fangirls. I don't want that to happen to you. I don't want our relationship to be caught up in my YouTube mess of a career. Please understand I'm trying to just protect you, Alexia." I looked into his pleading warm beautiful eyes and smoothed his hair with my hand.

I held his face with my other hand and slightly smiled. He was so sweet. I had no idea. I suddenly then kissed him. Mark smiled in the kiss and kissed back grabbing my neck gently and pushing me into the kiss more. I then broke the kiss after a few seconds. Mark's eyes were still closed and then slowly opened them and smiled widely at me.

"Does that mean you forgive me and that you understand?" Mark said as he hugged me.

I responded, "of course. I can't stay mad at my Markimoo." I giggled as Mark helped me up off the couch I was on and we left the mall.

Once we parked in front of my house I saw that my moms car wasn't there. I ran inside and opened my door with my key with mark following close behind.

I then found a note on the table that read: Alex. I got a call from work. They said it was urgent. I'll be home pretty late so don't wait up. I've left food for you and Mark if you guys hang out today. Love you! Xoxo, Mom. I handed the note to Mark to read. He smiled. I looked at him with confusion.

"What?" I said to him as I cocked my head to the side. He laughed softly. He sat the note down back on the table put his arm around me. "Means we can hang out all day today." He smoothed my hair and then walked outside.

"Where are you going, Mark?" He didn't say anything but stared at his house. His fathers car is gone as well.

"I guess my dad had things to do. He usually calls me and tells me. Hold on I'll be back so stay here." I nodded my head and sat on my porch as he went to his house.

He came back out and stood on his porch waving me to come over to him. He grabbed my hand. "So my dad went off to go visit his girlfriend Elena and will be back in two days. But I wanted to show you my room." I agreed to go inside as he trailed me alongside him. He opened the last door to the right of us as he said, "ladies first". 

I walked in and opened my mouth in shock. His room was filled with blue and black foam padding amongst the walls. Covering every inch. He had a desk with all sorts of wires with three computers screens, two monitors, an expensive looking mic and camera, and a headset. It all looked so fascinating and intricately complicated in more ways than one. There were big lamps that were also by the equipment facing the chair that sat in front of it all. I was in shock of it all that I didn't notice a furry, golden, beautiful brown eyed dog looking at me and Mark whilst wagging its tail. I gasped and covered my mouth trying not to squeal. I absolutely love dogs to death. This dog was so damn cute. Mark sat close to the dog on the floor, patted his chest and spoke to it.

"Come here Chica-Bica! I've missed you girl." Chica got up and stepped all over Mark wagging her tail all crazy and looking at him with the cutest puppy eyes. Mark groaned and laughed as he laid onto the floor. He rolled over as if to be in some pain as Chica got off him. I kneeled next to him truing to see what's wrong.

"You okay?" Worry spread across my face. He laughed painfully some more and held his knees to his chest.

"Yeah. Just fine and dandy except for the fact Chica loves to step on my crotch." I started giggling and sat him up then Chica came and started to lick me all over my face and arms. I laughed harder as Mark was finally able to recover and sat himself up and petted Chica. "Ew! Dog slobber. You silly girl." I said to her. I smiled widely at Mark and Chica as he petted her. I stood up and looked around the room a little more. Mark then stood up as well and took my hand and pulled me into another room. Surprisingly, Chica hadn't followed us into the room next door. He told me that this was his actual room in which he slept in. He sat on the bed and had me sit on his lap. We both sat there hugging in silence.

Mark soon then spoke up and said, "hey I have a great idea. You can sleepover my house! I have tons of food here and maybe we can do a collab video tomorrow on the Left 4 Dead 2 game. How bout it?"

He looked up at me and smiled so wide from ear to ear and I couldn't help but smile back. "Sure Mark. I'll text my mom and see if she's okay with it. You call your dad." Mark nodded as I got up off of him to let my mom know. Mark called his dad in the meanwhile as my mom soon after texted back giving me the okay to stay over.

After Mark let me watch all five Twilight movies, we finally decided to go to his room and lay down and chat. Mark laid his head on my chest. We kept our eyes open for a while in the dark before finally drifting off to sleep.

Destined: A Markiplier Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now