The Green Beacon

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I saw that I got a ton of notifications on my phone once I woke up a little after noon. Most of them having to do with Twitter and YouTube. I saw that Mark and Jack had both uploaded their versions of our game last night. I went to go look. I watched the whole video on Mark's channel and went through the comments to see how people liked it. I got really nice compliments which made me blush but more than a couple of them were hate filled.

Saying things like: "who is this chick? Is she Mark's girlfriend? Or Jack's? She better not be. What the f-" I went to the next that said, "dude she's pretty ugly. I hope she stays away from Mark and Jack." And so on... I left the comment section and brushed it off. Its not easy to hurt me especially for the fact that its random people who don't know me online. I went onto Twitter and saw both Jack and Mark tagged me in a tweet.

Mark's said: "Watch me dominate Alexia, Jack, and Bob in Left 4 Dead 2!" Followed by a link to the video. I liked the tweet and went onto Jack's which had said: "My skills in Zombie Killing are getting good! But how good?" Also followed by a link to the video on Jack's channel. I smiled widely. It's still mind boggling to think this is all is happening. Its just too surreal.

    I turned off my push notifications for my Twitter and YouTube notifications since were pretty much going to kill my battery by the next hour. Mark decided that we should come together today for a hang out. I headed outside to only be greeted by Mark once I opened my door. My heart jumped from being scared at his sudden unknown approach.

"Jesus, Markimoo! You scared the living crap out of me." I exclaimed as he laughed at me being jump scared by him. I then heard my mom yell from her room. "Honey? Is that Mark? Are you going somewhere?" I asked Mark to stay put as I walked to her room. I opened her already cracked door and peaked my head through. "Hey. Yes it's Mark out there. I was gonna grab the mail real quick and come back to ask you if I could spend time with Mark just for today at his house. If that's okay with you anyways." I smiled a little as she nodded her head.

"Sure Alex. You spend a lot of time with him might I point out." She said hesitantly. "Yeah but he's my only friend here. You should be glad I'm actually out and about more because of him. Usually I'd be cramped up in my room reading or being on my laptop all day." I said. My mother giggled and let me head out and stop letting Mark wait on me. I then went over to his house with him.

   We ended up just playing games, watching Netflix, and be on social media at his house all day. It was now 4:30 pm and Mark spoke after looking on his phone. "Jack wants to come to America from Ireland to hang out with us. It's his birthday this weekend." He said enthusiastically. I smiled widely from ear to ear.

Jack is coming to hang out with us?! I screamed to myself. I was in shock pondering this that I didn't notice Mark talking to me.
"Lex?" Mark waved his hand in front of my face. I finally took in a deep breath and shrieked.

Mark jerked back and laughed loudly. He calmed down enough to say, "well damn I wouldn't think you would be this excited to see Jack. He would love to hear this." He laughed a little more as my face got tomato red and I frowned.

"Please don't tell Jack. I don't want to come off as a crazy fangirl that can't control herself or something." I pleaded to Mark as I gave him the puppy dog eyes. Mark smirked at me.

"Oh alright but only because you're super adorable." He kissed me softly and gave me a hug. I smiled to myself still thinking about hanging out with the one and only Jacksepticeye. We both let go of the hug and I asked Mark, "when will he be here?" Mark responded, "tomorrow evening around 10 pm." He smiled at me and played with my hair. I nodded in response to him.

The next night came in a flash. It was only three hours until Jack landed. I had already taken a quick shower, dried my hair, and did my makeup. I decided to wear my ripped black skinny jeans, my grey, graphic, shirt that said MUSE in 3D colors, and my black and grey Nike running shoes. I straightened my hair and wore my plain black beanie which tied my whole outfit together. I then sprit some perfume and put some deodorant on and headed downstairs. I had already told my mom about Jack being Mark's best friend and going to the airport tonight to pick him up and how we are going out to Elitch Gardens for his birthday tomorrow. She agreed to it and even gave me money to go as long as I stay safe and call her to check in during the trip. Since I'm almost 18 she's given me more freedom to roam the world and get out more which I loved about her. Another one of the best things about my mother; she doesn't hover. Mark parked in my drive way and honked to signal he's here. I looked out my window, waved, grabbed my phone, told my mom I was leaving, and then headed out and got into Mark's car.
   "Wow. You look very... Stunning." Mark said quietly. He smiled slightly as I blushed. I nodded and said, "thank you. I usually don't wear my beanie but I felt bad neglecting it." I giggled to myself. Mark eyed my shirt.

   "Muse? Who or what is that?" He said with confusion thick in his tone.

   I laughed hard at his words. He looked at me with more confusion. I calmed down finally and spoke. "They are a band. One of my top favorites actually. Along with a bunch others. I would've worn my 'The 1975' band graphic tee but it would've been too much black on black." His face no longer held confusion but instead was replaced with curiosity. Mark finally started the car and we drove off.
  After the 40 minute drive we got to the airport and saw Jack patiently waiting outside the building. Mark parked the car and we got out to greet him. Jack stood up and smiled and waved. I shyly waved back as we got closer to him. Mark hugged Jack and they exchanged hellos with each other. Jack looked at me. I mean he really looked at me. His smile slowly grew wider and he finally spoke. "Hi! I'm Sean. But you can call me Jack as you wish." He said in his Irish accent. I smiled at him and shook his hand.

"I know who you are. It'll take a while till I'll remember to call you Sean instead of Jack, just a heads up." Jack chuckled and responded, "yeah its okay. Merk here still calls me Jack. Never got used to calling me Sean." He smiled at me. The way he said Mark's name was utterly adorable. After a short chit chat between us all, we finally got into the car and headed back home to Mark's house. When we got there, Mark and I helped Ja- Sean, with his luggage.

We got inside and Sean sat on the couch having a long chat with Mark while I headed upstairs in his room to sleep since it was so late. I soon then heard a light knock on the door. I opened my eyes and groggily said, "come in." The door cracked and light escaped into the room as Mark poked his head in. "I let Jack sleep on the couch tonight knowing you were up here. Mind if I sleep with you in here tonight?" He said quietly. I slowly shook my head. Mark came in and quietly shut the door and crawled into bed with me slowly. I was facing away from him, huddled into a ball under the sheets and Mark conformed to my body and put his arm around my waist protectively. He gave me a kiss on my head and we soon both fell asleep in the darkened night. Whilst the moon casted a beautiful glow amongst the sheets of this warm and safe haven called his bed.

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