Good Girls Are Bad Girls

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I woke up remembering all the fun last night was. Everything was going great so far, we were currently in a hotel room and today was the start of our brand new tour. I took a long hot shower, probably waisting the water.

After my long shower I changed into black and pink Aztec leggings, a plain neon pink crop top that stopped just above my belly button, and neon blue combat boots.

I left my hair wet putting it in a neat sock bun. Alex walked into my room all dressed and ready to go aswell. Today me and Alex were gonna get tattoos. I quickly put on my light lipstick and we left. Me and Alex hailed a cab and told the cab driver the address to the place.

After a couple minutes we payed the cab driver and exited the cab. We entered the tattoo shop and waited for our turn.

"Jessica and Alex." A girl yelled, reading our names from a clipboard.

We followed her to the back where there was a tatto chair and a bunch of tattoo materials. I was going first to get it out of the way.

"Please take a seat." The lady told me guiding me to the black chair.

I took a seat while the girl sterilized the tattoo gun. She then started on my tattoo, I was getting three.

After a while of pain it was finally over and it was totally worth it.

The first one was of an infinity sign on my right wrist. The second one was a writing saying 'Stay Strong' with a breast cancer sign in fancy script on my left wrist, since my mom died of breast cancer. The third one was two butterflies with the wings touching on the back of my neck representing me and Alex.

"How was it?" She asked

"It only hurts a little." I said.


When Jess got up from the seat I sat down in it. The lady cleaned off the tattoo gun and started tattooing me.

Unlike Jessy I was only getting two but I would be probably be getting more in the future.

After about 29 minutes the lady finally finished which was a relief.

The first one was an infinity sign like Jess's but on my left wrist. And the second one was of the yin-yang symbol like Zayn's on my right wrist.

After we were all done me and Jess paid the lady and told her thanks. We decided to walk back to the hotel.

And of course when we were about a block away from the hotel someone spotted us.

"It's Alex and Jessie!" A girl yelled.

Me and Jess ran for our lives making it just in time to the hotel lobby. The bodyguards saw us and had the hotel manager not let the fans in. We walked upstairs to our floor and into the room seeing all the boys awake.

"Where the hell did you guys go we were all worried about you!" Liam said being the over protective 'brother' he is.

"We maybe got tattoos." I said.

"Let me see!" Lou screamed like the child he is inside.

We showed them all our tattoos and they all liked them and gave us there approval. Everyone had there suitcases downstairs for when we leave. We still had about two hours to go, so all of us just decided to hang out in the hotel room.

{2 hours later}

I grabbed my suitcase and followed Zayn downstairs to the lobby. We all ran onto the bus and chose our bunks. There were four on each side of the bus. On the left side from top to bottom it was Lou, Harry, Liam, Niall. On the other side from top to bottom it was Jessy, Me, and Zayn.

The extra bunk bed was too hold our luggage. This is gonna be the best tour ever.

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