Are We There Yet?

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I woke up surrounded by blankets and pillows. Today was a free day but it still sucks because we have to be on the bus.

"Hey boo" Zayn said kissing me softly

"Hi" I said giggling

"What do you want to do today?" He asked kissing my neck

"Hm how about a lazy day" I suggested

"Awesome" He said pulling me back down to the ground and he hovered over me

He softly placed his lips onto mine, but I pulled him away because I heard the rustle of covers, which meant others were starting to wake up.

I bit my lip and just cuddled with him. That's when it hit me. Today is my twin brothers birthday! Blake and Jake were both turning 7! My little brothers were gonna be turning into real men.

I got out my MacBook and got on Skype. In a couple seconds Blake answered.

"Happy Birthday!" I yelled

"Thank you sissy, how's tour going?" He said

"Oh you know same old same old first we have interviews, then rehearsals and then concerts and ten the next day it's the same shecdule" I said rolling my eyes giggling

"We miss you sissy" He said

"Aw i miss both of you guys too"

"Anways I'm guessing you would like to see Jake too" He asked

"Yup where is the little squirt" I said

"I'm right here" Jake said coming into the camera with cake all over his face

"Woah what happened there bro?" I asked laughing hysterically

"Well when we were cutting the cake mom pushed my head into the cake" He said with icing hangling from his face.

"Aw that's so sweet sounds like something I would do" I said laughing

"Well we have to go back to our suprise party we love you Munckin bye" They said calling me by my nickname

"Bye stinkbrains love you and Happy Birthday!" I said blowing a kiss and then hitting the End button

"Babe where are you?" Zayn called

"In my bunk" I said closing my laptop

"Ok well were all gonna have a movie day wanna come?" He said appearing out of nowhere

"Ok sure but can you pwease cawwy me?" I asked in a baby voice holding out my arms

He carried me bridal style all the way to the lounge and set me down on the floor. We started watching 'The Hangover' 1,2, &3.

{32826286318192 movies Later}

I was hanging upside down on the couch, bored out of my mind.

"Are there yet?" I asked

"No for the millionth time" Liam said in agony

"Ok fine" I said and waited a couple seconds

"Are we there yet?" I asked

"That's it let me kill her" Jessy said rolling her sleeves up

She was about to jump on me but Lou caught her while she was in mid-air.

"No I'm too young to die" I said curling up in a ball

Yup and that's how my night went. Trying to not be killed. Yup and that's normal.

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