The Second Mrs. In The Group

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{One Week Later}

Today was the big day. Today was the day that I will never forget. The day I become Mrs. Horan for the rest of my life. I had just woken up from my alarm clock and had to get ready.

"Kimmy wake up, it's your big day" Alex said. Her, Zayn, and the babies had spent the night over so they could help with today.

"I'm up" I chirply said with a gigantic smile. Jessica and Alex came through the door; curlers, dresses, and make-up in hand. We all smiled at each other as we got straight to work.

I took a hot shower; making it quick since I was so anxious. As I stepped out the shower I noticed a white slip of paper on the mirror. Of course it was a note from Nialler. As it read:

Hey babe, so today's the big day and I can't wait to see how you look. Of course you'll look stunning, gorgeous, and beautiful. As you are everyday, we've waited for this day for a while. Don't chicken out on me now babe. I love you with all my heart <3.

~Love your Nialler

As I finished reading the last words a few salty tears escaped my eyes. Not tears of sadness nor tears of fear. But they were tears of joy.

Getting back on track I put on my dress along with my white heels. I stepped out the bathroom as I looked over at Alex and Jess who were in their dresses which were light purple and puffy which ended to their knees. (Pic to the side)

"You look gorgeous, Ni's one lucky lad" Alex said as she finished getting ready Lexi and Sam. They both had their blonde hair in curls and had on cute pink little dresses.

"I agree" Jess said as she motioned her finger in circles for me to twirl around. I spun around slightly making my dress spin with me.

With a slight laugh I said "Now about my hair". Alex motioned me to sit down on the vanity bench as she plugged in the hair wand. Jess had started on my make-up while I sat patiently; fiddling with my hands.

"Tada!" Jess said as she stepped away from the mirror letting me see myself.

Wow, Jess definetly had super good skills with mascara and brushes. She did the perfect job ever and thanks to her I looked absouloutely stunning.

"Jess, I-I love it" I said as I stared in awe at myself. Still amazed by how I looked.

"Ok the wand's ready" Alex said as she took the hot wand in her hand while wrapping a piece of my long brunette hair around it.

In five minutes my hair was curled in little ringlets. "And the finishing touch" Jess said as she put on my tiara.

"Thanks guys, you've truely been sisters" I said while we all went into a group hug.

Three beeps were heard from outside and I knew it was the limo with Kendall, Dani, and my mum inside. I quickly grabbed my bouqet and phone while rushing outside.

I was met inside the limo by Kendall, Dani, and my mum.

"Honey you look gorgeous" My mum said; tears brimming at her eyes. "Mum don't cry" I said giving her a long hug. As I pulled back I noticed Niall's mum was here too.

"Oh my gosh it's so lovely to see you again" She said as we gave each other a hug.


I stood infront of the mirror looking over myself. My dress was perfect, My make-up was perfect. Along with everything else.
Relatives and friends were already seated.
My dad appeared and the music started playing. We linked arms and started walking down the aisle.

Once we finally reached the end I handed my bouqet to Jess as she glady accepted them. I turned around to face Niall.

And as soon as I saw his face I knew I was ready. I was commit to give my whole life to him. Niall Horan was the man I wanted to spend eternity with.

And I couldn't of asked for a better man.


Next chapter last chapter 😥
But make sure to check out my new books coming out soon and follow me💕

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