New House

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I woke up in me and Zayn's new king sized bed. Last night right after the wedding we went to the after party. After that Zayn's mum and my mum suprised us with a gorgeous house. It's perfect for us and the family we plan to have.

It had a five car garage, large basement, a huge master bedroom, six other rooms, a living room and kitchen, a game room, an outside and inside pool, and a study room.

Today me and Zayn were going baby shopping for the twins room. We had already painted it a light pink color and put in two wooden cribs.
But that was it, we didn't even get clothes yet. I took a quick shower and changed into a pair of Zayn's baggy grey sweatpants and a maternity long sleeved white fit top.

I slipped on my black flip flops and threw my hair in a messy bun.

"Ready babe?" Zayn asked

"Yup" I said excitedly

He took my hand in his and led me to his car. I got inside as he got in the driver's side and went off.

We pulled up to Babies R Us, we met up with Kimmy and Jess who wanted to tag along.

I walked down the long aisles of clothes, accesories, and cribs.

{After Shopping}

Kimmy, Jess, and Zayn had just now finished putting the last of the bags in the truck.

We had bought a whole bunch of clothes, diapers, and a lot of other stuff. We still had a bunch of stuff from my baby shower.

When we got home we decorated the room with a whole lot of stuff. If I do say so myself we all did a pretty good job.

"Okay well we'll be leaving now" Kimmy said

"Okay see you guys tomorrow for the big dinner" I said as they left and drove out of sight

It was about 10:00 pm and I was suddenly getting tired. Without even changing my clothes I fell asleep on the soft couch in the living room.

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