Chapter 2

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The next morning Jack woke up with a killer headache, which wasn't surprising. Alex wasn't very hungover so he got Jack a couple advils and a glass of water. Jack took it graciously.

"Thanks," he mumbled.

"So... how much of last night do you remember?" Alex asked cautiously. Last night was pretty much the most confusing night of his life. He hoped Jack had just been really drunk and confused about his emotions.

"Most of it. We went to the bar, got drunk, came here. We talked. I said-" His eyes widened in shock. "Shit. I didn't."

"Um... I think you did." Alex said.

"Well, fuck my life," Jack said miserably, jumping up from the bed and running into the bathroom where he puked into the toilet.

"But you didn't mean it, right?" Alex asked when Jack returned to the room.

"I hate hangovers," Jack mumbled, falling face first onto the bed.

"Don't avoid it," Alex demanded.

"What time is it?" Jack glanced up at the clock. "Fuck, I need to shower!"

He got up and grabbed a clean shirt and a pair of jeans and underwear before hurrying into the bathroom. Alex sighed. He would find the time to talk to Jack when he was alone, completely sober, and not hungover. Well, maybe he could have just one drink. But for now - for the sake of the band and the fans - he was going to pretend like everything was normal, even though he suspected that everything hadn't been as normal as he thought it was.


After their next show, the band went out to sign autographs.

"Come on, Jack," Matt Flyzik called into the bus.

"I'm really not feeling like it today," Jack called back from his bunk.

"Are you sick?"


More like lovesick.

"Well you're gonna have to suck it up," Matt replied. "Think of the fans. Let's go."

Jack sighed and got up. Usually he loved meeting fans, but right now he wanted to avoid Alex as much as he could. He followed the rest of the band to where they were signing and sat down on the end next to Zack and thankfully not Alex.

After signing and taking pictures for what seemed like forever, Jack could finally see the end of the line. A girl who looked at least eighteen and had her long brown hair in two braids came up to Jack. He was so lost in thought that he didn't even notice her.

"Um..." she said awkwardly. "Earth to Jack?" He looked up quickly.

"Oh, shit, hi, sorry..." he apologized. She laughed.

"It's ok. Long day?"

"You have no idea."

"I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault."

"Do you want to talk about it? You'll probably feel better."

Jack glanced at Alex who was laughing and signing someone's poster. So beautiful.

"You know what, I do need to. But not with you, sorry." Jack grinned. The girl laughed again. She had a nice laugh.

"It's fine. I totally understand. I hope everything works out between you and Alex."

"Wha- how?"

"Well you were just staring at him so I assumed..."

Jack's face was probably really red.

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