Chapter 5

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Jack had found the nearest bar and gotten drunk off his ass. The bartender asked him what was wrong, but he only shook his head and took another drink. Finally, he was made to leave. He wandered around the streets of the unfamiliar city and tried to remember where the bus was; however, even his sober self wouldn't have remembered. Jack's sense of direction was basically nonexistent.

Meanwhile, Alex wad desperately trying to find the boy who meant so much to him. While he ran, he remembered all the times they had shared, all the feelings he had shoved to the back of his mind, all the proof that he and Jack here made for each other.

Alex had tried calling Jack's phone several times, but he wasn't answering. He didn't know how long he had been just wandering around before his phone rang.

"Hello?" he answered quickly, hoping it was Jack.

"Alex?" It was Rian's voice. "Where are you?"

"I'm trying to find Jack," he replied. "I can't get a hold of him."

"We just tried calling him a second ago but he didn't pick up. Matt just called him again. Come back to the bus, man. We'll figure it out from here."

"No, I've gotta find Jack. You and I both know he's probably drunk. He might be on the streets alone."

"I realize that, but it'll be easier if- hold on, Matt just got a hold of Jack."

"Where is he? Is he okay?" Alex asked urgently.

"Hold on." There was silence except for faint talking noises in the background. "Well, he's definitely drunk," Rian confirmed.

"Fuck, where is he?"

More agonizing silence.

"Damn. He won't say."

"Fuck," Alex muttered under his breath.

"It's gonna be okay, Lex."

"Don't call me that," he muttered under his breath. That's what Jack called him.

Jack knew he should probably get back to the bus. But that meant facing Alex, and that was something he could not do. He knew the guys would be worried, and he felt bad about that, but in his drunken state going back wasn't an option.

Jack ended the call with Matt. He needed to be alone. Except he wasn't alone, he wad in a city surrounded by people. He watched all the people go by happily living their normal lives. But then, from a distance he heard someone shouting curse words. He walked a couple steps closer to investigate, when he recognized the voice. Alex.

"Fucking hell, where is he, dammit?!" he was shouting into the phone. "Don't tell me to calm down, Rian!"

What were the odds that they would find each other on the streets randomly? Jack didn't move, he only stood there and watched. He wasn't the only one; people walking by were staring at Alex while he was making a scene. He didn't even notice.

"You don't understand! I have to tell him something! Fuck you!"

Jack was confused. Did Alex have to tell him something? Finally Jack decided to intervene. Alex was just embarassing himself. Jack didn't want to, be wanted to run the other direction and hide forever, but Alex didn't deserve to be this upset. He took a breath and walked over behind him. 

"Alex, stop." Jack said quietly. Alex jerked around to face him. He just stood there, staring. He brought the phone away from his ear and ended the call. 

"J-Jack?" Alex asked, as if he didn't believe it was really him.

"Yeah," was Jack's only reply. He couldn't think of anything better to say, but what was there to say anyway?

"I- There's something important-"

"I think both of us need to go back to the bus,"  Jack said. As much as he wanted to hear this "important news" or whatever, they both weren't in the state of mind to tell or receive it.

Alex was aggravated with Jack, but he knew he was right. He sighed and called Matt so they could figure out how to get back to the bus.

As they were walking back, Alex laughed and said, "Didn't I tell you not to scare me like that again?"


A/N: well would you look who finally decided to update! I am not happy with this chapter and I know it's short but at least it's something. Hopefully the next update will come faster!


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2014 ⏰

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