Chapter 3

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Heeey :) hope you enjoy! sorry for any mitakes

****Chapter 3****

Keira's POV

-2 days later-

I woke up early at 7:00am for school. I got up, checked my phone, went on facebook and tumblr, and got dressed in a tank top and jeans with a denim jacket. I made my way to the bathroom and looked into the mirror, i saw that the brusies on my face have healed. I sigh in relief, but I look at my stomach to find a huge purple bruise, I cover it up with the last bit of concealer I have.

After I brush my teeth and wash my face, I go down stairs to grab breakfast. I walk into the kitchen and see my mom sitting on the dining table.

"You have some explaining to do" She says sternly

"I had to help a friend un-pack her stuff into her new house, and when we were finished I missed the bus-" I lie

"Since when do you catch the bus?" Mom interrupted.

I pause, it takes me 10 seconds to reply while I stand awkwardly in the middle of the kitchen

"Uh did I say bus? I meant-"

"The truth, Keira"

"Well..I um, ok I got detention and I had to stay in and write lines" I lied, of course this lie was more believable

"That's what I thought. You're grounded for 2 weeks"

I sulk and walk upstairs to my room. I call the school to let them know I won't be going to school today, I really cant be bothered.

I call Drake, to let him know I can't walk with him after school today aswell. Me and Drake have been friends since last year when he was my buddy for science. He has been really supportive and is with me 24/7, we go everywhere together. I'm still wondering if I should tell him or not, I mean he is my best friend.

I lay on my bed thinking what I should do to keep myself occupied for the day. I hear my message alert from my phone go off,

Heeey carebear (: up for some bowling tonight?

-Drake x

I was too tired to go anywhere, all I wanted to so was sleep, so I txt back,

Love to but I'm really tired today :/

Some other time?

-Carebear xox

I turned off my phone and got changed into my PJ's. I snuggled in bed and fell asleep.


I wake up in what seems like a room with no windows or doors. Pitch black, I trace my fingers around the walls looking for a light switch, I can't find one. I throw my hands in my back pockets franticly looking for my cell phone to use as a light source. I pull my phone out and switch it on, I pan it around the room, and I notice the walls are closing in, slowy. I hear voices "Slut!; Anorexic!; Outcast!" out of no where, the voices sound like Taylor of course. I block me ears and let out a loud scream. I was scared of what's going on. The walls are enclosing, closer and closer. I scream and scream for help. Just as I was about to die, "Keira!! Keira honey are you ok?! Wake up keira!", I hear my moms voice. I wake up screaming, I notice I have fallen off my bed as I'm on the hard wood floor of my room. It was only a dream, oh god. I'm panting trying to calm down while my mom is more shocked than I've ever seen her in my life. I tell her what the dream was about, leaving out the name calling bit. She gives me a hug and comforts me as I try to fall asleep again

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