Chapter 6

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OMG sorreh I havent updated! I'm really busy studying for exams !! If I pass mums getting me a new phone for xmas so im trying my best and I'm really stressed :( And i'm honestly kinda lost in my story i dont know what to write or where I'm going with this story...pls help me! your ideas in the comments?


Keira's POV

I watch Holly gets pounded by....Taylor? Me and Sam are staring at expressions, just staring. I know I have to make a run for it and get inside school. I knudge Sam in the ribs since she's gripping my hair so i don't run off. She loosens her grip and I make a run for it. I grab my bag lying against a tree but I trip over a tree root, shit.

"Where do you think you're going?" Sam teases while grabbing my hair, ripping some more strands.

I try to squirm away and scream like a little girl. I suddenly get an idea, i grab my bag witth my one free hand and swing it at Sams face. She falls to the ground and I keep running. I turn around and still see Taylor and Holly fighting. I completly ignore and rush into period 3.

I walk into my social studies class, and everyone stares at me. Drake jumps out of his seat at runs over to me with a shocked look on his face.

"Are you okay? Who did this to you? Keira tell me now! Oh my god are you alright. Keira you need to tell me what happened". Drake flusters

I ask him why hes acting like this.

"What do you mean why am I acting like this? You have blood all over you!"

I look at myself. I have completley forgotten to clean up. How can i be such an idiot?

The whole clalss is whispering and gasping. Some of them are still staring at me. The teacher tells everyone to get on with their work and sends me to the nurses office right away.


I walk into the nurses office and the nurse screams when she lays eyes on me.

"What in the world happened to you!Come sit down I'll get you cleaned up while you tell me what happened" She exclaims

I sit down on a chair while she gets out wet cloths and bandages.

"I um fell down the concerete stairs outside and someone left a full beer bottle there and I knocked it over, this is why the flesh has kinda burned up." i lie. I know its not believable but I couldn't think of anytthing else.

She looks at me like im mad, or if im being serious. She continues bandageing my arms wound. it stays silent until she finishes.

"I'm afriad i'm going to have to call your parents to pick you up, take a day off and rest ok, you need it" She says

"N-n no really I can walk home" I say, technically asking her not to call my parents

Again, she doesn't answer.

"Off you go then girly" She says as her arm gestures towards the door

I walk out silently slapping myself for telling a terrible lie. Is there such thing as lying classes? I go back to my social studies class to pick up my bag and give the teacher the nurses note for letting me go home early. She exuses me while I mouth to Drake 'I gotta go, I'll text you ok'. He nods and I walk home.


I know this is a short chapter but I have ti stop here because I have to go to bed :( I'll try and update tomorrow! Hope you people liked this chapter, not much drama but Just something to drag it out (: Bye xox

Ok i'm really sorry this is short guys ! its litterally really short. I'm so sorry, im just really tired. i promise on the weekends ill make it REALLLLY long ok haha xxx Ok goodnight everyone (: Hope you liked this chapter..or not...

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