Chapter 5

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" Oppa, are you okay?" I questioned.

" I'm fine " He answered.

He broke the hug and walked away.

" Yeri! " Eun Tae called.

" Coming! " I shouted back.

" Moonbin is waiting in the library, let's go now " He pulled me to run.

We arrived at the library and went separate ways because he needed to use the bathroom. I was reaching for a high shelf when Eun Tae stepped behind me and got the book for me, I turned and I was facing his chest, he looked down at me and lend me the book.

" Thanks " I said to him.

" You should grow taller " He patted on my head.

" You're just too tall " I told him.

We finally met Moonbin in the sitting area reading,

" Bin ah, we're here " Eun Tae called him.

" Oh, hi guys " Moonbin waved at us.

" Sit down " Eun Tae pulled out a chair for me.

" Thanks " I said.

" You two must be really close " Moonbin mentioned.

We both nodded.

" I'll get some tea for you guys " Eun Tae left the table leaving me and Moonbin alone.

I opened my book and started reading, I was feeling so ill

" Yeri ah, why are you so quiet around me? " Moonbin asked.

" I don't know " I replied awkwardly.

As soon as I got up, I fell on the ground as Moonbin caught me by his right hand.

" I've never imagine..... " I say before losing my sight.

- Eun Tae's pov-

I came from from the Cafe seeing Yeri fainted on Moonbin,

" Eun Tae! " Moonbin called.

" What happened? " I quickly run there.

" She fainted and she's started to become red, she's burning " Moonbin told me.

" Put her on my back " I said.

I took her to my tent because the clinic is close for 2 days since the nurse has to go for an emergency.

" What's wrong? " Jae Hyun asked.

" Your sister is sick, get some wet towels " I replied.

He ran to get the towels while I take the pillow and blanket for her.

" Where were you? " Jae Hyun questioned.

" In the library because Moonbin called us to meet there " I answered.

" Does Yeri like you? " He asked all of a sudden.

" What do you mean? " I acted confused.

" Or do you like her? " He added.

" Is that why you've been down lately, because you thought we liked each other? " I asked back.

" Not exactly, forget it " Jae Hyun replied.

He left the tent leaving his own sister,

" Yah! Your sister is burning up and you're just walking away like that? " I followed him out.

" What else should I do about that? I'm not a doctor " He became serious.

" Get back to your senses and be the old Jae Hyun who always cares for her, why does everyone start to hate her because she lost her memories? " I shouted.

Jae Hyun just walked away.

Suddenly two pair of hand tied around my waist,

" I'm fine, don't make Jae Hyun mad " Yeri told me.

I turned around,

" Why did you get up? You should rest " I questioned.

" Don't hurt him, he's not happy with me " Yeri said as she walked back to her tent.


- Jae Hyun's pov -

I was sitting on the bed with my computer when Yeri came in and changed her cloths behind the closet.

" Sorry, If I made you mad " She said before she slept.

In the middle of the night, Yeri kept coughing non stop. I saw her walk to the toilet like she was feeling dizzy so I got up to help.

" Are you feeling dizzy? " I asked her.

" A little, I just need water " She replied.

" I'll get it, it's raining outside " I went out in the rain and got a bottle of water.

" Thanks " She said as she drank the water.

" Sorry I've been ignoring you today " I apologized.

" It's fine " She forgave me.

" Just rest now " I said as I put the blanket over her and turn the lights off again.


The next morning, I woke up earlier then Yeri to make porridge for her but as soon as I enter the kitchen, Eun Tae was already there.

" You're here early? " Eun Tae questioned.

I continue making the porridge and was about to leave,

" Are you worrying about your sister now? " He added.

" Mind your own business " I answered.

I went back and fed Yeri a few spoons of porridge,

" I'll tell the trainer you're sick " I told her.

" Okay, thanks " She smiled.

Why don't I see her as a sister?

I went out for the gathering,

" Sir, Yeri is really sick so she won't be able to join " I told the trainer.

" Don't worry, Eun Tae and Moonbin will accompany her so you just have fun okay " He patted my back.

I wasn't happy but I just went with it.

But I always have bad feeling.....

That's it for this chapter, please vote and look forward to the next chapters! Thank you^^

I'm Not Him ✡️ Nct Jae Hyun, Knk Seungjun And Yeri ff ✡️ Where stories live. Discover now