Chapter 10

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- Yeri's pov -

The next day was Mina's party, I chose a girly dress like she asked to, I decided to wear a sleeveless white dress with a thin jacket around it to cover my shoulders that was about the length until my knees.

" You look pretty " Mina complimented.

" Oh, you're here " I walked up to her car.

I looked in the window and there was 6 boys,

" I thought only 3 boys are coming with you" I asked.

" You know boys, when one comes the others come as well" She replied.

" So where do I sit? " I questioned.

" Next to Jihun " Mina answered.

I went inside the car and sat down quietly,

" Hi, Yeri! " Jihun greeted.

" Annyeonghaseo " I greeted them all.

" You're cute " Minho said.

I sat there not moving an inch until we arrive.

" Sit with us " Jihun pulled me down to sir in the sofa next to him and Minho.

" Yah! Take off that jacket, it's hot here " Minho pulled my jacket down.

" Yah! " I hit his hand.

" It's okay " Jihun put his hand around my shoulder.

" I want my jacket back " I told Minho.

" You don't need it, you're prettier like this " Minho whispered to me.

" Oh, Yeri ah it's so nice to see you wear sleeveless, I'm going out with my old friends for awhile so wait here and order any drinks you want " Mina told us.

" Can we please order 7 bottles of alcohol / soju !?! " Jihun shouted to the servant.

" Yes! " The server responded.

" You guys drink alcohol? " I asked them.

" Of course " Minho pour a glass of alcohol in the little glass.

" Try some " Jihun lend me a cup.

" No, thanks " I said back.

He suddenly choked me with the glass of alcohol 

" You should drink like us " Minho said.

I tried spitting it out but just couldn't and was force to swallow, Minho poured a glass of alcohol on my white dress

" Oh sorry, I guess you have to take off your dress now " Minho whispered to me.

" You pervert! " I pushed him away.

I wanted to get up and run but was crowed by bad boys,

" Drink more! " Jihun forced me to finish the whole bottle as Minho held my hand so I couldn't move around.

10 minutes later, I was drunk but could still remember things a little

" Mina, I'm going first " I greeted her goodbye.

" Okay, see you " She waved back.

I walked out of her house wearing my sleeveless white dress, I walked halfway when I felt unconscious.

- Moonbin's pov -

I was going for a walk when I saw, Yeri? I ran to her who was lying on the ground

" Yeri ah, wake up! Yeri! Yeri! " I tried tapping her shoulder.

I piggyback her to my house because her house was further,

" You shouldn't have gone to the party " I put her down on my bed.

Her dressed smelled like alcohol so I took one of my sweaters and put it over her dress.

" You should have called me " I said as I put a wet towel on her forehead.

I was opening my drawer to take a new towel when Yeri rolled down and fell on top of me, her lips was against mine. I slowly pushed her to the side,

" Mom! " She called.

" This is Moonbin " I told her.

" Moonbin? " She asked back.

" Yes " I replied.

She suddenly got back to her senses,

" Why am I here? " She questioned.

" You got drunk on your way home so I brought you here " I answered.

" Oh no! My jacket, those perverts " She said.

" Jacket? " I asked.

" They took off my jacket and hid it " She said back.

" That's why they are dangerous, have you eaten? " I asked again.

" No, they just choke me with alcohol "  She replied.

" Alcohol? I'll make you something to eat so let's go down, I'll talk to those boys tomorrow " I told her.

" Don't! They'll hurt you next " She said.

" I won't let them " I said back.

" Okay then " She smiled.

- Yeri's pov -

I ate my food and slept in his couch until morning.

" I'll go home now, bye! " I greeted goodbye to Bin.

" Okay, be careful " Moonbin waved back.

I walked home and arrived just when Jae Hyun came out,

" Yeri ah, why are you always gone at night? " Jae Hyun asked.

" I slept at my friends place, don't worry " I replied.

" Make sure to always come home " Jae Hyun told me.

I nodded and made my way in.

I got a message in my lap top,

Eun Tae: Annyeong!

Yeri: Annyeong!

Eun Tae: How was your day?

Yeri: It just started

Eun Tae: I'll be coming back tomorrow

Yeri: Okay, see you tomorrow

Eun Tae: Okay, have a good day!

Yeri: You too!


At school,

" Eun Tae ah, I have something to tell you " I told him.

" What is it? " He asked.

" I'm actually.... Dating Moon Bin " I replied.

" What!? Really? " He seem so shocked.

" I was going to tell you but I was finding the right time " I explained.

" Impossible " He said.

" I'm sorry " I said back.

" I'm leaving first " He said as he walked quickly away.

" Are you serious? " Someone from behind the tree questioned.

I turned and it was.....

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I'm Not Him ✡️ Nct Jae Hyun, Knk Seungjun And Yeri ff ✡️ Where stories live. Discover now