Chapter 6: Jelousy Is Not My Thing Part I

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Author's Note: Hey guy I'm really sorry about the whole not updating every Sunday, I couldn't get on until now and I have no laptop. :( I type up the chapters on my phone then transfer them onto word and then do other things to make it possible to post on Wattpad. So it's a really long process, if there are some mistakes, I think when I'm done I'll revisit and edit it. Anyways thanks for the patience, oh and if you're wondering about "Trying to Forget", I'll update as soon as it's grown in reads. :)


I couldn't believe it I went through this whole day without being pestered by Ryder. So calming and peaceful and boring. Shockingly enough, I had an apperent hatred towards the quote-unquote normal things. There were many time I found myself thinking secenerios that would've happened if Ryder were here. Pathetic? Very. But at the the moment anything beat having to sit and actually listen to kectures, then again, maybe I just wasn't cut out to be "normal" orperhaps I just wasn't used to it. My life has never been normal and I guess it was just a new experience for me. Oh well c'est la vie.

My day at home was pretty normal too. Got home, ate, watched American Horror Story and Waling Dead on Netflix 'till I passed out, woke up and went to my room to do late night homework. Well maybe not normal, it was more along the lines of boring.

"Finally done", I said closing my physics book and laying down. Seeing it was late, I tip toed to the bathroom, brushed my teeth super fast and tip toed back. I quickly changed into my pajamas and slipped into bed. True happiness right here. Staying up late to do HW and then laying your head on a comfy pillow, so comfy it can knock you out. I have to admit it, sleep is my drug and my bed is my dealer. Sadly, this time my drug didn't seem to be kicking in thanks to the tapping sound I kept hearing. Every two seconds it was tap followed by a whisper that sounded like someone saying my name. At first I thought I was imagining it, but it kept going on. My next theory was that I was being haunted and my third was that it was a walker. I quickly dismissed the third theory seeing there was no alarm or people freaking out, but I still had one theory to disprove.

"Okay so maybe I am haunted, no big deal. It could be a friendly ghost. Are you kidding there's no such thing as ghosts, now get up and check who at your window", the little voice in my head argued. I finally gave in and left my warm cocoon to check it out. I opened the window and saw Ryder step out of the shadows.

"It's about time princess", he snapped pushing me aside, walking into my room like if it were home.

"Oh God what the hell do you want", I yelled in a whisper.

"It's pretty cold out tonight and since I kept you warm last time, this time it your turn", he said with a smirk.

"That's not happening so why don't hope back on out and hope no one calls the cops on your ass."

"Oh come on you know you missed me", he said grabbing my waist and pulling me close to him. In all honestly did miss him, but I wasn't going to let him know that.

"Don't flatter yourself bad-" He did it again, cut me off with a kiss my mind kept saying back away and stop this before it goes too far but my body was in control this time. I wrapped my arms around his neck and his arms wrapped around my waist.

"You're not going to bite me again are you", he asked breaking the kiss.

"Shut up", I told him pulling him in for another kiss my arms tightened around his neck, forcing a slihht wince out of him.

"What's wrong", I said, then I noticed all the scrapes on his face and a nasty bruise on his neck.

"Just a little banged up that's all", he said leaning in for a kiss. I quickly backed away and pulled his chin up for furtjer examination.

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