Trip to Colorado

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After my date with my mum, she asked me to pack my things and ready my stuffs for tomorrow. I looked at her and wonder. It's just strange that she let me come to Ashley's family vacation in Colorado. She usually don't let me if the agendum is as far as San Francisco. That's how my mum is very strict.

"Mum, why did you agreed with Ashley's parents?" I asked her.

"Why, dear? Don't you wanna come?" she asked me back.

"No. It's just that, you nevr let me..." I wasn't able to finish because she justified her side.

"Oh forget it. Since you're big enough to handle yourself, I thought that maybe you could decide on your own now," she said as I felt like I wanna hug her. "Now go on, continue packing your things and go to sleep after. You've got a long trip tomorrow."

I continued packing my things. After I finished, I never felt that I am exhausted. So I grabbed my guitar and my music notebook.  I went to the balcony of my room and resume composing my song. There are so many things in my mind especially Ashley.. So that time I feel very inspired in writing the song. Then a few moments later, I feel sleepy and go to my bed.

The next day, I woke up at exactly 4:30 in the morning and preapred for the trip. Mum prepared the breakfast. It was the best lasagna I'd ever tasted. I went to the shower and waited for Ashleys family to arrive.

Mum sit with me on the staircase and talk with me while waiting.

"Mum, are you gonna be okay while I'm gone?" I asked her.

"Don't worry, dear. Your sister Gemma will be comming home. She'll be here with me then return back to New York after summer. I'll be alright," she said.

"Are you sure?" I checked if she's telling the truth because honestly, I'm going to miss her while I'm in Colorado.

"A hundred per cent. Oh there they are," she pointed out the coaster which made it's way infront of our gate.

I hugged mum and said goodbye to her. The door of the coaster opened for me.

"Good morning, Nate. We are glad that you could come with us. Have a seat," Mr. Nelson greeted.

"Honey, don't feel awkward. Enjoy the trip with us okay?" Mrs. Nelson smiled at me and I feel welcomed.

I sit beside Ashley at the back part of the coaster where there is still one left which is I'm sure for Topher. Ashley barrowed my guitar. As I sit, the coaster stopped. Topher hopped in and as usual, Mr. Nelson greeted him. He went and sit with us. I am in the middle, Ashley's on my right and he's on my left.

Ashley's little sister, Hailey went on the seat in front of us. She asked me, " Are you good at playing guitar?"

"I bet so. But Topher here is better," I said

Topher looked at me and laughed.

"I also bet that it is the reason why many girls are in love with him," I teased.

"I agree so, and I'm one of those girls," Ashley said and I was surprised.

"Seriously?" I asked her.

"Why, are you affected?" she questioned back.

"No. It's just that, I'm starting to like him too," I joked so she won't know I had a crush on her.

Everybody laughed like I had told the joke loudly. Now I wonder if Ashley had fallen for Topher.

"Topher, can you show us your skills in guitar playing?" Donny asked Topher.

"I guess so. But I think it would be fair to all of us if the three of us will play by turns," Topher looking at me and Ashley, suggested.

"Well, okay," both Ashley and I agreed.

We all jammed together while driving to Colorado. After Topher played "Sweet Child of Mine" in which Mr. Nelson had joined us singing, he passed the guitar to me. I decided to play Bruno Mars' "Marry You" and gladly, everybody was able to sing with me. After that, I passed the guitar to Ashley and she played "Hey, Soul Sister" of Train. Even Mrs. Nelson played the guitar. She played "Zombie" by Cranberries.

We continue jamming until we had our lunch at a fast food chain in San Bernardino. Ashley's parents answered our lunch even though we have money. That's why I'm very thankful to them. As usual, I sit beside Ashley. It happened that the tables had three seats. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson are seated together with Hailey. Topher is seated with Donny and his twin brother, Johnny. I'm very lucky to have Ashley with me. We can talk about a lot of things.

"So, did you apply already for some jobs?" I asked Ashley to start a conversation.

 "Not yet. But my uncle offered me a job in Canada but I'm still thinking about it," she replied. "How about you?"

"Uh well, I have already submitted my application form in a bakery. They are in need of a pastry chef," I said.

"Why'd you asked?" she said to me while smiling.

"Well uhm, I just thought that maybe we could spend time together before we get busy. You know, like just you and I," I told her that I wish I didn't.

"Like a date?" she asked. This time, her smile was even bigger.

"Uhm, yes...I mean no, no, no," I nervously answered. Thankfully, our lunch came. I had a reason to stop talking.

While I was about to finish my lunch, Mr. Nelson asked us, "You two, what do you like to drink?"

"I'll be the one to get our drinks. What do you like Ash?" I asked her.

"Just a cold water," she answered while smiling.

I went to the counter and asked for our drinks. "Four glasses of cold water and four red teas please."

I looked at Ashley in our table and she looked at me too. I winked at her and smiled. " Also, one chicken burger please." I knew that chicken burger is Ashley's favorite.

I went back in our table and gave their drinks. I also gave the chicken burger to Ashley.

"What is this for?" she asked.

"Just a simple graduation gift," I said.

"Is that so? Thanks," she said as she stand up.

When everyone's finished, we continue our trip. By one-thirty in the afternoon, we have reached Las Vegas. But nobody saw the beauty of the "casino capital" because everyone's asleep except Mr. Nelson, of course he is driving, Me and Ashley. But I saw her sleepy.

"Here, you can sleep on my shoulder," I suggested her and she did. She closed her eyes and I put me arms around her and layed my head on hers.

(to be continued...)

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