Graduation Isn't Goodbye

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The first thing I heard in the morning is the ringing of my alarm clock. I got down the dining room and my mum gave me a hug.

"Congratulations Nate. You are officially graduating college," mum told me like she's gonna cry.

"Thanks mum," I replied wiping her tear.

"I'm so proud of you especially you have topped them," she added.

"I wouldn't make it if it weren't you."

I showered and got dressed. I stepped itno the car with my mum and drove to Los Angeles University. Everybody is so excited. I told mum that I am going to meet my friends.

Topher called me and gave me my graduation speech. I asked him to encode the speech I made.

"So, where's Ashley?" I asked him.

"It's always Ashley you're looking for. How about me?" he asked at the same time joked me.

"Well, don't get jeloused. Why would I look for you if you're already here? Besides, she also our friend right?" I replied.

"Yeah right!"

"Graduates, please proceed to your line, the processional entrance is about to start," Professor Robinsons announced.

The graduates fell in line just as I saw Ashley. I was about to approach her but mum wrapped her arm around mine and stopped me.

"You can approach her later. Besides, we're walking now," my mum said.

We began walikng. I saw mum crying," I wiped her tear and told her to stop crying.

"Mum, will you just cut it out. You don't wanna look terrible in the picture," I told her as the photographer came to take our picture.

"Okay. I just can't help it," she said.

We reached the end of the procession. I kissed mum and hugged her. I went for my seat. Since Ashley is the magna cum laude, she's gonna be sitting beside the summa cum laude and that's me. When she got beside me, she congratulated me.

"Hey! Congratulations!" she said.

"You too, congratulations. So, where you goin' after this?" I asked her.

"My family are going in a vacation trip. Actually, you and Topher are invited," she said.

"Really? I'll inform mum about that," I said.

"No need. My mother already talked to her. she agreed," she replied.

"Geez. How about Topher?" I asked.

"Same to him," she answered.

The program goes through until I the time for my speech came. I went up the stage and took the microphone.

"First and foremost, I would like to greet each and everyone of you a pleasant morning. Escially to my dear professors, our honorable guests, to our beloved parents and of course, to you me fellow graduates," I started. I saw my mum crying again.

"These past few months, we've been working really hard for our future..." I gave the graduates an inspirational message.

"...At this peek point of my life, I would really want to thank the people behind my succes. My mother who would have been loving and supporting me since birth. My father, wherever you are, I hope you are now resting in peace, my professors, my friends ever since my childhood, and the person who serves as my inspiration..." I looked at Ashley which I shouldn't have done. Maybe that time, she thinks she's the one I've been talking about.

"...And of course to God. So by this graduation comes to an end and we all take a step into a new chapter of our lives, I'm looking forward in your future as chefs, teachers, actors and actresses, pilots and hotel owners. At this moment, I'm asking everyone to please stand up. Graduates, face our professors, let us give them a round of applause," everyone applauded. "Then face our parents and give the a warm applause. Now I want you to face in front and clap our hands for ourselves. Thank You very much and God bless!"

Professor Robinsons who was wiping his tear and my mum went up the stage. Professor shook my hand and mum's and gave me my diploma. Mum hugged me tight while crying.

I went down the stage while Professor Robinsons ends the program. I went back to my seat but before I do, Ashley hugged me. I was shocked and at the same time feeling good that time. When the program ended, we had picture taking. Topher patted me on my back and congratulated me.

"Congratulations bro," he said.

"Same to you," I said.

"So I guess, we'll be seeing each other again tomorrow?" Ashley asked.

"Sure, what time?" Topher asked.

"Five-thirty a.m." she answered.

"Guys, I should be going now. I will be having a date with my mother. See you tomorrow! Congrats once again," I told them as I waved.

I went for my mum and hug her. Then for the very last time of that day, I waved again this time, to Ashley only. Mum and I went to her favorite restaurant and have our diner.

(to be continued...)

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