Chapter Seventeen

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Brassy couldn't sleep that well and decides to get up and go for a little walk. She got downstairs, pulled on her coat and was halfway through the livingroom when someone stopped her.

"Brassy?" they questioned.

"Yugi?" she replied, turning to face the person who stopped her and spotting spiky hair.

"Not quite," they smiled, walking over to her "I forgot we hadn't officially met. My name's Yami."

"Allinabrass Cortag," she offered, holding out her hand to shake "Brassy for short."

"May I ask where you're going, Brassy?" Yami inquired, shaking hands with her.

"Just... For a walk," she admitted, running a hand through her hair.

"Perhaps I should come with you," Yami suggested "Joey would never forgive me if some gang member happened to pick you up."

"If you want..." she hesitated.

"Or... Would you rather Yugi join you on your little walk?" Yami smirked. He transformed while Brassy stuttered for an answer.

"Don't worry about him," Yugi brushed away, smiling apologetically at her "He's just teasing. Nothing serious." Brassy's stuttering quickly evolved into a deep red blush as she looked in another direction.

"I was just... Um... Going for a walk..." Brassy explained, quietly, peering at him hesitantly "Would you... Um... Like to..."

"Join you?" Yugi finished, smiling "I'd love to, Brassy."

"Great!" she declared, grabbing his wrist and dragging him towards the door "Don' worry, Yug'! We'll bareleh leave tis stret. Jus' a simple walk up'n'down tah stret!"

"Brassy," he warned, holding in a smile "Accent."

"Oh!" she gasped, realising just how cold it was outside "I didn't know it could get this c-c-c-cold."

"Well... Ya..." Yugi smirked, shrugging out of his coat and putting it on her "It's Domino. Haven't you been here for a few years now?"

"N-n-not in the ni-ni-ni-night..." she stuttered "I usually stay ins-s-s-side."

"There's a first for everything, I suppose," Yugi smiled, wrapping his arms around her to try and keep in her body heat.

"Wanna go... F-f-f-for some c-c-c-coffee?" Brassy managed, snuggling closely to the heat emitting from the spiky-haired boy. He didn't seem to mind.

"Sure," he smiled "There's a coffee shop a little down the street."

"I'm not wearing much," Brassy stated, looking down at her flimsy shorts, cami and jacket covered by Yugi's coat.

'Hardly anything at all,' she thought.

"That's OK," Yugi insisted "You can just button up my coat and nobody will notice." He stepped back from her so she could do that, removing the ever so enjoyed heat in the process. Walking down the street in silence, a million questions ran through her head but she suppressed them all. Finally, they reached the coffee shop and Yugi held the door open for her, all gentleman like. She giggled and stepped inside, Yugi wrapping an arm around her shoulder as they stepped up to the counter.

"One hot chocolate, please," he told the cashier.

"I thought you were gonna get me a - ACHO~!" she demanded, interrupted by a vigorous sneeze "...Coffee."

"You're brother would never forgive me if I kept you up all night," Yugi smiled, kindly. The cashier handed Yugi the hot chocolate and as he reached into his pocket to pull out a bill, another one was placed on the counter.

"I'll be paying for them," a familiar deep voice informed, making the two look up to see Seto Kaiba "Keep the change."

"Oh," Yugi blinked "Thank you, Kaiba."

"I've gotta talk to you," Seto informed, walking over to a booth and sitting down. Yugi and Brassy followed, sitting across from him. Yugi moved his arm to be around her waist and she sipped her cocoa, content.

"What's up, Kaiba?" Yugi wondered.

"Yugi," Seto began "You know Joey better than anyone else, right?"

"Well..." Yugi blinked, taken by surprise at the question "I wouldn't say I know him better than ANYBODY else..."

"Stop being modest, Yugi," Brassy scowled "You're his best friend."

"Thank you, Allinabrass," Seto rolled his eyes before turning back to the spiky-haired boy "Yugi? Could you tell me what Joey wants for his birthday? He's been very careful not to tell me because he thinks it'll be to expensive and I've been out all night, against my better judgement, shopping. Nothing seemed quite right."

"I honestly don't know what Joey would wa-" Yugi sighed, sadly.

"He DOESN'T want a Yo-Yo," Brassy interrupted "Or trading cards. Try getting him something special. Something like... Flowers or a puppy or something."

"Well," Yugi smiled, playfully "That wasn't specific or anything."

"I'd say," Seto agreed, smirking at the young couple "So... I get him a puppy and flowers?"

"Just a suggestion," she shrugged before looking up at Yugi with her own puppy dog eyes "'M tired, Yugi-chan. Can we go home now?"

"In a minute, Brassy," he promised, turning back to Seto "Kaiba? Promise me you won't tell Joey that you saw us here? He'll never forgive me if he found out that I let Brassy drag us out at this hour."

"And let him know I had to ask you guys what to get him for his birthday? As if," Seto scoffed "You keep quiet and I'll keep quiet." With that, he walked out of the shop. Turning to tell Brassy it was time to go, he realised the girl had fallen asleep, head resting on his shoulder.

"Yami?" Yugi whispered to himself "A little help here?"


Catty: Ok... So, nobody tell Joey.

Joey: Tell me what?

Catty, Brassy, Yugi and Seto: /Exchange-look\ Um...


Joey: /sigh\ Coming, Téa. /Walks-away\

Catty: Phew... Saved by Téa.

Brassy: For once.

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