A Plan

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He had a plan.

Okay, maybe the word "plan" was overstating it. It was more of a "how can I successfully muscle my way out of here?"

He came up with his "plan" a few days ago, when he was talking to Big Rig one night.

"Have you any idea how to escape?" No use beating around the bush.

Big Rig looked a bit surprised, to say the least. "Escaping?" he said incredulously. "This isn't a Western movie, Kotal. Forget it."

"Western movie" flew right over his head, but he was still adamant. Kotal Kahn had lived many years, and he knew by now that few things were impossible. "There must be a way, no matter how unlikely," he asked again.

"Look," Big began boldly, "the only way out is through the door that the guards use, but even you, with all your muscle, can't plow your way through an entire building full of police." His tone showed just how likely he thought escape was.

Kotal thought about this for a while, "What is the door made of?"

"I don't know. Metal, or concrete. You can't break it, man." Big was getting impatient. It was late, and he was trying to sleep.

"If it is constructed of stone then-"

"The only way you get out of here is if the guards let you out. They're the only one who can open the door, and they sure as hell ain't gonna open it for you. Now, please, let me sleep."

Kotal grumble low, but stayed silent.

Only the guards can open the doors. In such case, then the only way I could escape is if they open it for me. They would never do that voluntarily. Involuntarily...

He thought for a majority of the night. Turning idea over idea in his head.

By morning, he had an idea, but not a plan. The rest would still need work.

He continued his scheming in the breakfast line, where they were serving some form of oatmeal better suited for horses than people.

He had a method of exit, but once through the doors, he would have to fight through the policemen. That wouldn't be an issue if it weren't for their weaponry. He had seen what the electric gun can do to him, so he needed a way to combat it.

A weapon wouldn't be hard to find; with his strength, one of the tables in the cafeteria could serve as a weapon. But he doubted that any weapon he could obtain would do any good against the Earthrealm tech. What he really needed was more magic.

His endeavors of obtaining sun energy were going well--so well that he had to restrain himself from glowing yellow--but he would need more to get through that many opponents. If only he could activate his blood magic...

His thoughts were interrupted when someone bumped into his elbow, spilling his oatmeal all over the cafeteria floor.

Kotal took a deep breath and looked to his left to see Beck, scarfaced and smiling. "Oops," the inmate said mockingly.

Kotal cocked his fist back and grabbed a fistful of Beck's jumpsuit.

"Hey!" he heard before he could slam his fist into the man's nose. A police officer that he didn't see before was storming towards the two, armed with his baton. At the same time, another officer grabbed Beck and wrenched him out of Kotal's grip. "Break it up, or you two don't get breakfast," the officer with the baton said. He grabbed Kotal harshly by the arm and yanked him back.

Kotal, on pure instinct, twisted the guard's hand off and shoved him, sending flying backwards. That was when he felt it for the second time; the abrupt electric current running ruthlessly through his body, bringing him to his knees.

"Not this time," Kotal growled out loud. Summoning all of his strength and perseverance, he raised one leg to a kneeling position. He regained control of his hands and wrestled them to his back, where he felt the wires in his body. With a war cry, he managed to yank them out of his back, but he didn't let go of them, for he had a new plan. Probably the most risky and stupid one in all of his days.

He felt the electric current in his body still, but instead of fighting it, he decided to let it run. He imagined the electricity running through his body, charging his muscles to the point of spasms. He imagined the electricity running to his hands, forming sparks from his fingertips. His tattos began to glow a color he had not seen before; white. His plan was working.

"You may now surrender if you wish," Kotal announced over the crackling of the electric sparks on his hands. He dropped the wires and continued; the sparks on his hands remained, "For you are now facing," he fired a thunderbolt from his hand into the ceiling of the cafeteria, "a thunder god."

Now come on! Tell me you've never wanted to see this

I've actually been planning this twist for a while now, and I'm really happy that I finally got to put it in. Kotal Kahn: Thunder God. Step off, Raiden

Next up is once again, Erron. Let's see how he's doing facing off the gangs of... Tennessee. I'm sure those exist

See ya later, my gators.

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