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Another time, another place, Erron would have simply shot the sheriff dead and tell the corpse to mind its own damn business.

However, due to Kahn's stupid "peace treaty," that was no longer an option. Erron would have to talk his way out of this one.

"Debra's?" he said with mock confusion, "Never heard of that place in my life." He mentally praised himself for how convincing it sounded.

"That's funny," the cop retaliated, "Cause the bartender at Debra's gave me a description of the culprit, and it matches you exactly."

Not convincing enough.

"What's your name?"

"Erron Black," he wasn't worried. If the police checked their records for an Erron Black, they'd find a missing person's report from almost two hundred years ago.

"Well, Mr. Black," the officer continued, "Where were you last night, if I might ask."

"Probably passed out drunk in an alley," he answered, "S'How I usually spend my Fridays."

"Today's Wednesday."

"Whatever," Erron huffed, "Point is, I sure as hell weren't at no Debra's." He always good at lying. Especially to the police.

The officer stared at Erron for a while, considering this. Finally, he said, "Alright then, I believe ya."

Erron gave a mental sigh of relief.

"But I still need you to come with me," the officer finished.

"And why is that?" Erron asked confused.

"Cause it's still illegal to carry around a concealed weapon," he explained gesturing to the butt of one of Erron's guns barely visible in his jacket.


Erron sighed, "I was really hoping you wouldn't notice that, partner." Erron reached into his new jacket, grabbed one of his pistols, and pistol-whipped the cop in the temple. Not even checking if the blow knocked him out, the gunslinger bolted away.

He charged through the streets, his mask pulled back onto his face, for almost ten minutes when he thought it was safe to rest. He only stopped, though, when he was hidden deep in yet another alley.

So this is what it's like to be an outlaw again. Kind of missed the feeling.

Erron leaned against one of the wall, trying to catch his breath. He hoped the cop didn't get a too clear look at his face or that any passers-by saw that little scene. Do Earthrealmers still do wanted posters? If so I'm screwed.

He would have loved to rest in the alley a little longer, or at least find something to eat, but he was: A. Lost and broke, and B. Determined to sleep in a bed tonight. Those two don't go well together, but he still had a destination in mind; Fourth.

There was only one problem. He didn't know what the hell it was, where the hell it is, or how the hell to get there.

So he was well and thoroughly screwed, and the worst part...

He needed to once again ask for help. His manly ego would never recover from this day: getting help from a bum, asking a lady for directions, running away from a police officer, and becoming hopelessly lost. He was on a roll.

Sucking up his pride, he exited the alley.

By now he had lost all desire for politeness and manners. "Hey, you," he said gruffly to the first person he saw, a man walking at a brisk pace, electronic box held to his ear. "Y'know where Fourth Street is?" The man completely ignored him. Erron's hand was in his jacket before he realized he couldn't shoot him. I'm starting to remember why I left this goddamn realm.

"Fourth Street?" he grunted to the eighth person he stopped--he was seriously considering forcing someone to show him the way at gunpoint. She was blonde with tattered jeans and a plain, pink t-shirt.

"Do you need directions?" the passerby asked.

"Yes!" Erron exclaimed, thrilled to find one halfway-decent person in this town. "God, thank you."

The girl actually laughed before saying, "Okay, so you want to go down that road for three blocks," she pointed as she spoke, "and take a left. Follow Freedom Drive for a half mile." Erron was already lost. "You'll see a Walgreen's. Take a right there. Keep going for a quarter mile and you'll find your way there." She smiled at him when she finished.

Erron took his hat off and scratched his head. "Uhh. You lost me at Freedom Driving, sweetheart."

"Oh," the girl thought for a moment. "Then, I'm heading that way. Would you like me to show you the way?"

Erron could have kissed her. However, keeping his cool composure, he simply said, "That'd be awful nice of you. Thank you, Miss..."

"Cindy," the girl said with a mock curtsy.

"Erron," the gunslinger replied. He was finally going to get to Fourth, which somehow became a promise land for him. "Lead the way, Miss Cindy."

Okay. Believe it or not, this was a hard chapter to write. Idk why. So I apologize if it's not my best yet. (I know the pic has no relation to the story, but it's my favorite quote by him XD)

Anyway, I already have ideas for next chapter--Yay! Reptile--so it should be published sooner. (Lies)

I don't own MKX. Just Cindy.

Till next time. Laterz

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