Ermac's Hour

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Sorry for the late update... again.

For now I'm putting all of my attention on finishing this story, so my other one will be put on hold until this one's completion.

So, at that, let's get this done!

Rain could scarcely believe it.

Ermac, one of the emperor's most trusted and powerful ally, when mysteriously transported to a foreign realm did not investigate ways on returning to his home realm. Nor did he make any attempt to communicate with the Kahn.

No. Instead, the construct was shopping with some Earthrealm wench. It disgusted the Edenian.

He had been watching the two for an hour, and so far, they had been doing nothing but idly chatting as friends would do. Ermac had gotten himself a new form evidently, but Rain knew it was he, for the noise his army of souls makes was enormous.

However, Rain's soul made noise as well.

Ermac was in the midst of conversing with Ana about Outworld holidays when he felt the nearby presence of a powerful soul, and a familiar soul at that. "Ana," he said suddenly, "Stay here." He began to walk out of the small shop they were in. His newly donned trench coat flapping behind him.

"What? Why?" she called after him, "Ermac, what is it?" She tried to follow him, but he stopped her with a hand on her shoulder.

"Stay," was all he said before levitating away to the shock and panic of passers-by.

The square was crowded with people who stopped to stare in curiosity at the floating man. He floated higher into the air and shouted, "Everyone, away, if you wish to live!" He emphasized his command by sending a fountain of green souls spraying from his being. The area immediately exploded into a crowd of panicking individuals all scurrying away from the square. Soon, it was empty save for a man dressed in Neptunian purple.

"I see you have sensed me, creature," the hydromancer called out to him. The two combatants stood twenty feet away, alone in the square, both ready to kill the other.

"Your heathen soul stands out in a sea of normalcy," Ermac shouted back. "However, we are certain you are not here to compliment our abilities."

"No," Rain replied, "I am here to bring your demise. You will pay for your disgrace against me."

"We shall see," Ermac's eyes glowed all the brighter as he pulled the hood of his coat up.

In a splash of water, Rain's figure disappeared and reappeared behind Ermac. He barely ducked under the kicked Rain aimed at his head. Ermac retaliated by teleporting himself in a flash of green above the Edenian and spun his heel into his skull. Rain stepped away from that attack in turn.

Ermac landed on the ground and shoved his palm towards Rain's face. The hydromancer blocked the attack and swung his fist at Ermac's jaw, but Ermac teleported behind him and palmed him in the spine twice. Rain fell forward but rolled back into a fighting stance.

Rain raised his hand into the air and splashed away once again. Ermac saw him standing atop a building in front of him.

"Battle me up here, construct," Rain yelled at him.

Ermac scowled deeply and followed him onto the building in a burst of green. He reappeared behind Rain on the rooftop, but the Edenian expected him and slammed his elbow into the Outworlder's stomach followed by a spinning kick to the head. He tried to continue with a punch to the face, but Ermac blocked the attack and force pushed him back. Rain tumbled backwards to the edge of the roof.

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