The Hunter's Ally

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Hello, and welcome to the newest Reptile addition to my story. Chapters may take longer to be published due to school and work coming up, but they'll still be coming. Anyways, hope you guys like the chapter, and if you do like it, let me know. Drop a comment, a vote, or hit the follow button. Now on with the story.

"D-don't move," the armed Earthrealmer warned Reptile, cleaver raised high in the air. "Quick as a flash, Reptile grabbed the Earthrealmer by the forearm and twisted, forcing his hand behind his back and wrenching the cleaver from his grip. The Zaterran then wrapped his scaly arm around the the man's-- boy's would be more accurate-- neck.

"You do not command me," Reptile hissed into the boy's ear. The Earthrealmer was a few inches taller than him, and he had a lean frame. He had brown hair and tanned skin, but he had a different hue than the other residents. Also, it just occurred to him that the Earthrealmer just spoke normally.

"You speak my language?" Reptile questioned harshly.

"What?" the boy was panting with fear, "English? Yeah. A-are you going to kill me?"

"Silence!" Reptile hissed, "I haven't decided yet." He didn't see any reason to kill the Earthrealmer. Granted, he did threaten him with the cleaver, but Reptile was honestly getting used to being attacked in this forsaken realm.

If need be, he could be food. He was hungry.

No, I have the bacon. I will survive. But what to do with him?

"H-hey, uh, sir," the Earthrealmer quietly spoke up, "C-can I--"

The boy was interrupted by the flow of oxygen being cut off as Reptile tightened his hold. He futilely struggled before quickly losing consciousness. Reptile checked quickly to see if he was alive with a finger to the neck; the boy was fine. Now, he had to get out of here, and hope that the late-nighter pegged this off as a dream.


The next morning, Reptile found himself feasting in the trees with Jaguar, both purring contentedly with food in their stomachs. Unfortunately most of the meat had to go to the cat, for it refused to eat anything else, but that was fine with him; as long as he got the bacon he fought for.

The raptor and his pet were happily smacking away when both creatures sensed figures approaching; probably another search party. Reptile and Jaguar both tensed up and rose to their feet, growling.

A few moments later, three Earthrealmers appeared, none armed. Instead, two held strange tins in their hands, while the third...

...the late-nighter!

"I don't know, this wasn't on the pamphlet," he was saying.

One of the other Earthrealmers-- one of the darker skinned ones-- replied, heavily accented, "You sign up to learn about way of life. This way of life." He the proceeded to spray red paint out of their tins in an "X" shape on his and Jaguar's tree.

"I just..." the boy drifted off, "Isn't this one of the big no-no's of the world; deforestation? I just feel like there are plenty other ways to show your culture. Maybe-"

"Don't care. You are not here for your ideas. You are here for ours. So shut up and make this quick, por favor."

The other dark-skinned Earthrealmer spoke up, babbling the language that was foreign to him and apparently the boy as well. The other man translated, "Rico say you should listen to us. Especially now that we have a wild animal on the loose."


"Fine," the boy moaned. The foreign man nodded and handed him one of the paint tins. Without a word, they both walked off, leaving the younger Earthrealmer alone in the jungle. How cruel.

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