Chapter 4

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Dylan's POV
Avi then pushed his way through. "So for a short summary, will you be our on tour choreographers?"

My initial thought was YESSSSS!!! But then I realized, what about our jobs we planned to have after college? And what about our dream to live Colorado. Bre was going to become a music teacher at a local high school. And I was going to be working as the drama director at the same high school as well.

We had this all planned out, but now I don't know what to do. My brain says do the original plan, but my body and heart says go for it. Have fun, live life, meet new people, and just enjoy it.

So after awhile of thinking, I decide I might go for it, but first I wanted to ask some questions. And God knows what Bre is thinking, she is probably worried as hell.

So I decided to ask the first question, "Well, what would our jobs actually be?" 

Scott answered that one saying, "You would create the dances for our tours, concerts, and rehearsals. And if needed you would also be backup dancers."

Then Bre asked, "Where would we live?"

Mitch answered with, "We would sleep in the tour bus, hotels, but we would actually live in L.A."

Then I asked," What is the yearly salary?"

Kevin said, "Around 70,000 a year each with other bonuses."

Finally, Bre asked one more question, "Why us? Why not someone bigger and better?"

Scott said,"Well because you guys are a side by side team and best friends. No matter what you can do things better together. Also, because you guys are really talented."

So we decided to talk it over for a couple minutes. "What do you think?"

She replied, "I don't know what about our plans for after college? We already got the jobs."

"I know Bre, but this is our dream. When will this ever happen to us again?"

"Okay fine, but if it doesn't work out were coming back. That's that got it" Bre said with a stern look on her face.

"Got it" I said.

So we went back over to them and I said, "YES!"

So we all exchanged numbers and we would meet them in about 2 weeks in L.A. So, we started walking down to the lobby and realized we would have to tell the others we are leaving.

So we got to the lobby and everybody is so sad that this was our last performance. So imagine what would happen if they hear our news of leaving it would break them I couldn't do it I was to scared so Bre did it.

"Hey guys so we have some good and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

Obviously Meg was the one to answer. "Bad news, then good" she said.

" The A Capella group called Pentatonix invited me and Dylan to be there full time choreographers. The bad news is we would have to move to L.A and leave you guys..." Bre said to them.

They all just stood there quiet. Finally, Alexa said something. "That's so great we are so happy for you guys. Right guys?" They all nodded and looked the floor stilling looking glum, "It doesn't matter where you are. We will always be best friends. We can visit another all the time."

At that moment, Bre and I lost it. We started full-on bawling. We couldn't believe how supportive they were. It literally was the sweetest thing ever.

"But the good news is that Bre and I are making you guys now the campus directors for the Titanium show choir!"

They freaked out. They were going wild. Meg and Alexa jumping up and down while Will and Seth were high fiveing. We both were so happy to see the looks on their faces.

Then Bre yelled, "GROUP HUG." And we all ran to hug another. Suddenly, all the juniors, sophomores, and the few freshman joined in.

After the hug, everyone in our little friend group agreed we would have a sleep over at our apartment tonight to celebrate.

So they all came over about 8ish. We all told funny stories. Like the time Bre punched me in the face when we were racing. And, all the times we all would have onesie movie nights.

So then we decided to watch Pitch Perfect 1 and 2. So I got up and put the first disc in. We watch Pitch Perfect 1 and we're all singing along and dancing. Then we start Pitch Perfect 2 and we make popcorn and we're still singing then towards the end. When they're at nationals the Canadian group comes on and it's actually Pentatonix and then Bre whispered, "We will be there soon".

A few hours later, we finished the movie. We talked and sang song ins circle. We of corse played games and had pillow fights. Then, played truth or dare again. It was a great night for all of us so we decided to go to bed.

Bre and I woke up first and she said,
"I'm making chocolate chip pancakes for everyone this morning with syrup so don't wake them up. It's a surprise" so I agreed quietly.

I went to get dressed. I wore red shorts with a red and black flannel shirt and white converse and took a quick shower. Then, Bre finally finished making breakfast. She put on skinny jeans with a pink blouse and flats. She then french braided her hair.

Finally, the others woke up were surprised by the chocolate chip pancakes that Bre prepared. They ate them and got ready for a big day.

We all went to Starbucks and got some caffeine in us to wake us up. We talked for about an hour or so about random thing. Then, Will saw it!

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