Boot camp and training and a new home

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Rosie's p.o.v

When I got there I was assigned a cabin with four other girls. When I opened the door their scent hit me and I could tell they were all werewolves . "Hi I'm Cynthia." Said a girl about 5'7" with short red hair and green eyes. The three others introduced them self Alexandria is 5'6" with blond hair and brown eyes; Eliza is 5'7" and has shoulder length hair that is black and dark blue eyes;  Sue she is also 5'6" and she and Alexandria are twins so they look exactly alike.  "hi I'm Rosie." I said shaking their hands. "Let's start your training so you can catch up with us" Cy said (Cy is Cynthia's nickname) I nodded my head and they gave me my uniform. I went and changed and came back out. We all went out side they trained with me to help me. We trained for two hours hard did 100 push ups, jumping jacks, squats, and sit-ups. I even had to run five miles. Then do chin-ups and wall climb. After that I was so tired and went to bed.

Two weeks I was caught up with them. I was so much healthier and faster. We continued this for four months. Until it came time for us to head off to war.

"Alright Rosie sparks, Cynthia, Eliza, sue, and Alexandria Andrews you all passed here are your flight tickets and your military uniform dismissed" our trainer Kyle said.

We left and headed to the airport and got on the flight to take us to war. When we landed we were escorted to the generals office or tent. "My name is General Simon. I know who you are and be ready for battle at any time of the day or night." "Sir yes sir" we said we stood at attention legs together and hands behind our backs heads straight forward. "Dismissed" he said we left and went to our assigned place. We got our gear and headed off to war and fight.


Seven years later

We all decided to stick together and serve seven years in the military. Simon called us to his office and told us to go pack we are heading home for good. In those seven years I have gotten a few medals and got ranked  to sergeant major of the marine corps. I got a few medals as well like four Purple Heart award and my team all got Purple Heart awards cause we kept saving troops. We got the Maine corps medal army soldier medal defense superior service medal and a few others.

We all went and hugged Simon "alright girls You heard Simon says to go pack" I joked like we were playing Simon says.  They all chucked. We  said goodbye to him and left to go back we have his number he gave it to us since we all became like family. In those seven years we got lots of scars and been in comas I haven't felt any pain since my Ex-pack abused me. We have even been shot. We all left and boarded the plane.

When we landed I was so happy to be in Texas once again. "I'm Hungry" I whinnied. "Ok Ro lets go eat cause I am to" replied Cy. We went to this dinner and the waiter came up to us "what can I get for you folks?" Asked the lady named faith. "I would like two large cheese burgers two vanilla shakes and lots of fries please." I replied. The others got the same thing but not as much as me. We sat there talking we decided to always wear our dog tags. We heard the bell above the door ring and a group of guys come in I sniffed the air and could tell they  were werewolves to. The waitress came back and gave us. Our food I sat there eating it all and when I was done I told the girls I'll be right back and went to the store across the street and got the biggest to go cup I could get. I even got some candy and went to pay for it and went back to the diner. I took my To go cup with a straw out it was 72 oz. I called the waiter over and asked her to fill it up for me cause the shakes were so good. I started on my second shake as the guys I saw earlier came over to us. "what are you doing on our Territory?" Asked they guy that looked like shaggy from scooby doo. "Um eating" I replied slurping down my shake making that sound when it's all gone. "We are looking for a pack to join" sue said giving me the look. "Okay  well how about you join our pack the black knights  pack."said another guy that looked like Fred.  That caught my attention. "That's the second largest pack in the world and is close to the Royal pack to protect the king and queen has 2365 members and still counting." I informed them. How do I know this because my parents told me.

Everyone looked at me in shock they lady brought me back my to go cup filled with vanilla milkshake and another milk shake glass. I quickly paid our bill and we continued to talk.  "We will join only if you have food." I replied before slurping down my milk shake again. "We always have food." Said this third guy with black spiked up hair. "Cy sue Eliza Alex yes or no.?" I asked "yes"they all Said in unison. "Let's go talk to the alpha" the Fred looking boy said "ok" I said and grabbed everything I started on my 72oz shake as we all piled into their car.

When we arrived at their pack house it was ten stories high maybe eleven if you count the basement. The boys who I learned there names where Shane zack and Peter took us to their alpha Luke's office. The girls and I stood at attention went we got into the room the boys looked at us like we were crazy. "Don't question" I stated with authority.  the alpha walked in and stared . "Girls say good evening to alpha Luke" I said " evening sir " they said .  "Hello I'm alpha Luke." He said kindly.  " my name is sergeant major of the marine cops Rose Andrews." I introduced my self. "Alright girls at ease that's enough attention for now. " I told they girls. We all plopped down in a seat. The alpha kept staring at us. "I hear you guys want to join the pack. I accept you in to the pack please call me Luke we need to see what level training you are." The alpha said. "Luke we are the beSt of the best Ro here is the boss and we are right behind her she trained herself the hardest and is always up at 430 in the morning." Cy said as I was slurping down the rest of my shake making that sound again. "Yummy " I said. "Okay then will you guys train the pack with Peter." we all nodded our heads. 

I got up from where I was sitting to get something to eat. "Where you going" Luke asked  "FOOD" is all I said as I ran out of the office and to the kitchen. I heard Cy yell "Really?! You just ate." I opened the pantry. "THEIRS COOKIES LIKE OREOS AND CHOCOLATE CHIP" I yelled back "MOVE BITCHES WE HAVE COOKIES TO EAT" I heard  the girls yell. They came running in and we ate all the cookies and ice cream. once we were done eating we were shown to our room. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

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