Xaviers arrival and the ball

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Xavier's p.o.v

I sat on the plane listening to beer fear. I have been traveling trying to find my mate but no luck I started with the black knight pack and no my mate wasn't there I tried every pack in the world and could not find her.  I won't lose hope yet. I'm 26 already and haven't found my mate yet. I have brown hair and sapphire blue eyes. I'm 6'7" I know tall right and I'm buff I have a six pack. Got it from my dad. I started to fall asleep as tea and toast came on.

I woke up five minutes before we landed I buckled my seat belt as we started to land. After that I unboarded the plane and went and grabbed my luggage but my limo driver already had the luggage I hopped into the limo and we drove home.

When I got home I sighed sadly. I got out of the limo and the butler carried my things to my room. I walked in and found my parents my mom has beautiful blond hair and blue eyes my dad has brown hair like me. And he is 6'7" as well my mom is only 5'7". My dads name is Eric and my moms name is Anne. "Hi mom hi dad" I said giving them a hug. "Hey Xavier we missed you any luck." Mom asked. I shook my head no. "Not yet mom sadly but I won't lose hope I know she is out there." I said sitting at the counter and grabbing an apple. "Son why don't you go rest up for the ball this evening" dad said I nodded my head and went to bed.

I woke up at six and started to get ready for the ball my mom told me to wear a red sash cause it would go with my outfit. I didn't argue what mom says goes. It was eight now and the ball is starting. I walked down the hall to the ball room and the butlers opened the door I was announced and  I went in and sat by my parents watching everyone dance then I saw something from the corner of my eye but when I turned my head to look nothing was there.

"Go dance with some of the ladies." My mother scolded me I nodded my head and went and danced. I kept dancing and never got a break. That was until there were loud growls and everything turned to chaos.

Rose's p.o.v

I heard that Xavier is back we set up where we would be and were waiting I went to the gym and have been working out all day until five so I could get changed and ready for the ball.i got dressed in my black shirt changed my hair color to black and wore black army pants and combat boots. I put a knife in each boot and put on my special belt with throwing knifes and gun ammunition for my hand guns. I transported to the balcony that I was going to be at I had a good view of the entrance and the king and queen I saw Xavier wearing the red sash I told his mom to tell him to wear. The sash is a weapon it's like a whip and stretches really far as well. I watched the crowd closely and I saw my ex alpha Alec enter with britania my slut sister. I thought of ways to get revenge. 'Girl you are crazy' Cy said. oops I forgot to close my mind link. I went back to watching the ball from my spot. And saw alpha Luke and Luna Sarah come in. 'Liz how you doing out side'  I asked Liz through mind link. 'rouges are coming I can hear them' Liz replied. 'tell the others. Now'  I gave the guards the signal. the guards got ready. 'Liz get all he guards in the ball room now they need to protect the people.' I said calmly but urgently. 'Ok' she said. When all the guards came in the queen looked in my direction.

Just then growls came out all the people heard and started to panic and run around I took my gun out and started shooting the rouges. I saw three guys sneaking up on the prince from behind I grabbed my huge machine gun from my spot and slung it over my shoulder. I cut the banner decoration and swung down like Tarzan. "Hey, you fools,"   I Shouted before swinging down. I had my foot out and kicked the prince out of the way as the silver knives covered in wolfsbane the three guys were holding came down they stabbed me it tickled me I'm immune to it cause of my pack and war. I stood up with an evil look in my eyes the girls were getting everyone to safety. They knew I got this.  I killed the three guys with the silver knifes in me I took them out and threw them at the rouges they could smell my blood and their eyes were all on me they came at me. 

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