The Party [Continued]

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I wondered why Ash was acting so strange. It raced through my head ever since she showed up. Has she told people? I would kill her. Well, not literally but you know what I mean.

I shook the thought off and looked at Ash as people kept staring at me. I paused when feeling arms around my waist..His arms.

I quickly looked at Rumple and whispered.

"Rumple! You can't be here! People are staring!" I tried to get him to follow me out the door. But he wouldn't move an inch.

He gently grabbed my hands and stared deep into my eyes.

"Belle. I'm the one who told them." I looked him him in disbelief then into his eyes as he got down on one knee and pulled out a ring.

"Belle, will you marry me?" My eyes instantly teared up at his words.

"Rumple, I will!" The crowed of their friends 'Awwed' as he slid the ring on her finger and they kissed exactly on the strike of midnight.

This was it. I'm marrying the man of my dreams.

Professor GoldWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu