The Truth

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"Rumple, answer me, how do you have my cup? I lost it while moving.." I whispered as he didnt say a word. I figured it was because Emma was around.

"Emma, can I talk to him alone?" I ask her softly as she nodded.

"Of course, I need to get lunch anyways. See you two later." She told us then walked off and Rumple cleared his throat.

"Belle, I know things you don't. If I told you, I would be a crazy man.."

I stared at him blankly.

"You kinda are, you ended up in jail for beating a man who stole a damn cup." I thought to myself then sighed softly.

"Please, just tell me the truth. Crazy or not.." I say looking into his eyes.

"Belle, youre the only one that doesn't remember but, Regina had purposely made you lose your memories of me and this town. In the Enchanted Forest, I was nothing but a beast and a coward but I was the strongest man alive just like I am in this town. You were my maid. I scared you after I jokingly told you I was going to skin children.." He chuckled slightly at the memory, "You chipped that cup. You were worried about it. I told you to not worry about it and since you did that, I can never let that cup go." He whispers and looks down.

I didnt speak. Who could? I was just told I didnt live here, but the Enchanted Forest just like Henry's book. Wait, so he's Rumplestiltskin? I mean, the name makes sense but huh?

"Rumple I don't know what to say.." I whisper as she didnt dare look at me.

"Theres no need. I'm crazy as it is anyway.." He whimpered and closed his eyes.

"Youre not crazy its just alot to take in is all." I reach between the bars and caresses his hand.

"I love you for you and thats all that matters. Now, when Emma comes back I'm getting you out of here." I gave him a happy loving smile.

Once he was out of the Storybrooke Prison, he had taken me to his shop. He kept telling me to remember what I could. Nothing. He then brought me to a table with a single chair.

"Its familiar.." I whisper then he sits on the end of the table and patted next to him motioning for me to have a seat.

"Remember when I told you the story about my son?" He asks softly as I look at him in shock.

"You never told m-" then he had cut me off.

"Listen to me. We made a deal in the Enchanted Forest. If you had gotten me more straw for my wheel, I would tell you about him. You told me I wasnt truely a monster.." He told me as I stared blankly.

"I'm sorry.. I don't remember.." I whisper then lays my head on him. Then thats when he got an idea.

We were going back to the Enchanted Forest.

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