Back to Normal.. Kinda

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The next day I was going to school. I rode with Rumple to school. It was a cloudy and rainy day was just fantastic. Once we got there, he kissed my cheek as we parted ways from the car. I walked along the halls and I got stares.

As I walked by groups of people and they stared and whispered. They must be upset that I'm in fact engaged to a teacher.

It was the first day back since everything happened. I ran a hand through my hair and quietly sat at my normal breakfast table then felt a paper being thrown at me.

"Hey teachers pet! Why don't you go somewhere else?" Chad called out and his friends laughed.

"Leave me alone!" I shouted feeling more things being thrown at me then I got up and quietly left.

"Go fuck him while you're at it!" Cries of laughter could be heard along the lunch room. Tears welled in my eyes and I rushed to the bathroom. I texted Ash.

"Where the hell are you? Chad is making a laughing stalk out of me!" I texted her and slid my back down the wall after locking the door.

"I'm on my way. Why the hell is he doing that?" Ash replied to the text moments later.

"Ash.. It was the party. After Rumple proposed I'm now the laughing stalk of the school. I'm in the bathroom when you get here." Before she replied she knocked on the door after she entered the school. I let her in.

Makeup was running all along my face and she hugged me tightly.

"Don't let that fat ass get to you. All he does is bully people." Ash said and wiped away my make up before fixing it. "There. Now, let's go down to Gold's room and see if you can spend the day with him.. Okay?" All I did was nod in response and we walked into Rumples room after walking out of the bathroom.

"Gold, your girl is getting bullied by Chad because of your engagement at the party. Can she stay in your class today?" Ash had asked him as you could see the anger in his eyes.

"She can but I'm going to do something about that little dick.." Was all he said with a growl.

"Belle? I'm gonna go.. I don't want to be near him while he's angry. But I promise I'll be back to check on you." She promised and walked out of the classroom.

Rumple opened his arms and I went into them and curled to him. He gently rocked me and rubbed my back.

"Why did this have to happen?" I whisper while my voice cracked.

*Moments later when the bell rung.*

Class had started and I stayed near Rumples desk. I couldn't look at anyone in the eye. I could feel eyes on me. I heard snickers. But that pissed Rumple off. He growled and shouted at the kids to knock it off. They immediately went quiet. I forgot. They're scared of him.

I smirked a little at his protective side.

*Right before school had ended*

Ash had visited like promised throughout the day and had taken me out to lunch. Rumple had to shout at kids all day long for them making fun of me.

My make up was down my face again. As they say had gone by.. the bullying progressively got worse. I couldn't take it anymore. When the bell had rung, I went to Rumples car and cried.

Not wanting to disturb me, Rumple climbed into the car and was worried.

"We're going for a drive." He whispered and drove me along Storybrooke. As he did, I fell asleep because of all the crying I had done. After we arrived home I felt him carry me to his room and tuck me in. I gripped onto his shirt implying I wanted to lay with him.

He laid in bed with me with his arms wrapped around me. I felt his soft lips on my forehead. I slept for a good few hours.

Little did I know within those hours, Rumple had taken his vacation time early from school and excused me during that time.

I felt him get back in bed with me. I curled to him closely and he wrapped his arms around me.

So much has happened in the last few days..

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