chapter seven

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EVELYN SHAKES ERIK'S HAND off her arm. Her blood is on his fingers, but he doesn't seem to be paying any attention to that. He keeps staring at her like she's an alien from another planet, something rare and unfathomable. It makes her incredibly uncomfortable. Snapping from her stupor, she huffs and rapidly twists away from his gaze.

If it weren't for Sasha, Evelyn would've kept walking.

"Eve..." Sasha has tears streaking her chubby cheeks and she's sniffling, looking up to Evelyn for comfort. Evelyn doesn't know how to give her any. "What happened to Harry?"

Evelyn gives Micah a short yet sharp look, then attempts to smile down at the little girl. "He's sick. He'll be better soon."

Locke cuts in. "You ruined a perfect outfit, by the way."

Evelyn rolls her eyes. "I didn't like it anyways."

Erik nods back towards the main house. "Come on. I'll show you where the washroom is."

Micah clears his throat. "That won't be necessary."

Evelyn rounds on him. "Excuse me? I told you I didn't want your fancy room anymore. These clothes aren't meant for me."

"Actually, I wanted to speak with you."

"I don't want to hear anything you have to say. You lied to me."

Locke whistles under his breath. "There would've been less drama if you picked me," he mumbles, and Evelyn chooses to ignore him.

Micah clenches his jaw and his eyes darken slightly. The sight sends unnerving chills down Evelyn's spine that she unfortunately can't avoid like she can Locke's immature comments. It only increases her distaste on speaking with Micah, however, maybe getting it over with will compose him again. Or maybe it will make him angrier considering Evelyn has no filter on her mouth and has no idea when to keep it shut.

Annoyed that both options hold risks, she sighs dramatically. "Two minutes. That's enough time for me to clean up and plenty of time for you to talk."

Micah shrugs like time makes no difference for him. It probably doesn't, but it sounds official when you put a time limit on something. One of Evelyn's quirks, she supposes.

She promises Sasha she'll be back quickly and gives Erik a stern look when he says he'll watch her. She knows he's been doing that, but now it feels strange leaving Sasha without her again. Maybe it's the aching knowledge of Robbie's absence that convinces Evelyn she needs to be possessive over Sasha so she won't lose her too.

Micah follows Evelyn quietly, though he does carry her back up the long spiral staircase. She hadn't noticed her bandages bled through, which is not a surprise but a discomfort nonetheless. Micah especially seems to be irked by this, frowning down at all the blood. It's on her dress, her neck, her arms, and now her legs. And it's all her own, which she doesn't know is better or worse.

Mercedes is making the bed when the two walk in the room. The moment she looks up she gasps, covering her mouth with her hands as she rushes over. "I told you!" she says. "I told you to stay in bed, and look what happened! Wait--what happened?"

"Mercedes, can you give us a minute?" Micah asks, yet somehow there is no question in his tone. It's obvious she has no choice in the matter.

She nods but countless worries cloud her eyes. She leaves reluctantly.

Evelyn limps to the attached bathroom. She grabs a rag and turns on the sink, still astonished there's running water. "Why did you lie to me?" she asks calmly as he leans in the doorway.

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