chapter twenty-five

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EDWARD GRITS HIS TEETH as the whip cracks, bracing himself for the oncoming wave of agony. He greedily inhales a deep breath a split-second before the bladed tips of the whip burrow into his bare skin. He arches his back as if he can shrink away from the impact, but he does not allow himself to cry out. His teeth grind together so forcefully that his jaw aches, but not so much as a whimper flees his lips.

He will not give the bastard the satisfaction.

So when experiment 889, Gavriel--the only friend Edward has made in this infernal place--yanks the whip and the blades tear Edward's back flesh as they detach, Edward remains as still as possible, a silent stone.

"Again," Doctor Stevens hisses, frustration and annoyance underlying his rough tone. He wants to see Edward grovel and cry and beg for mercy. However, he also knows Edward will do no such thing.

"Master--" Gavriel starts.

"Again," the doctor repeats firmly. "This is your punishment as much as it is his, 889."

And Edward can feel Gavriel's apologetic gaze on his ruined back, but still, he makes no movement, no sound.

The blades bury into his flesh again, and again, and again. Edward's eyes sting with tears, but his lips press tightly together and his fists curl around the chains binding him. He dangles from the ceiling, his arms above his head, his toes barely scraping the concrete, and his entire body aches. He's trembling from the exhaustion and the pain. Doctor Stevens circles around to look him in the eye. The old man glares at him with fury and command; determination and hatred glares back at him.

"You will learn obedience, boy," the doctor hisses.

Edward spits at the doctor's feet and growls with the futile strength that he has remaining.

A slap stings Edward's cheek.

"Again," he snaps to Gavriel. After the lash, the doctor leans in close and whispers warningly, "I don't care if I have to peel your back of skin for you to obey. You will obey me."

Edward dares to laugh, a hoarse, weak sound but a laugh all the same. "I would rather endure a life in Hell than endure one with you."

"Foolish boy." The old man grins. "You don't realize you're already there. If you want your punishment to be worse, then so be it."

He snaps his bony fingers. "Light the coals, 889."

Edward hears Gavriel intake a quick breath. "Master--"

"Enough with the cowardice! Light the coals or you shall be chained next to him."

This makes Edward's shoulders tense. He knows Gavriel would do it. He would hang at Edward's side until his last breath. Gavriel had sworn an oath to Edward the day they met, the day after Edward publicly refused to fight for the sheer joy of it. Gavriel has practically acted as if Edward is his king, and yet the two treat each other as equals, as best friends. But Gavriel is loyal--and stupid--enough to take the doctor up on his threat.

Don't you dare. Just light the coals, you idiot.

It takes a great deal of willpower not to speak aloud, but Gavriel must have seen Edward tense, or perhaps he finally gathered a bit of wits. He mumbles, "Yes, Master," under his breath, then ignites a flame.

"You need to comprehend that you are mine now," the doctor says, circling Edward like a predator would prey.

Edward clenches his jaw as the doctor disappears behind him. He can't see what's occurring, but he has a pretty good idea of what's coming.

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