chapter thirty-five

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HARRY GROWLS AS DAMIEN slams into him, his back colliding into a tree so forcefully it cracks. He tries to stifle the urge to rip the kid's throat out, the beast inside clawing its way up. The lock on its cage has long since broken, and Harry isn't sure if he can ever replace it. He has an incredible amount of willpower for one of his kind, but willpower can only get you so far when threats are constantly appearing out of thin air.

Like Damien.

All had been as it was when they were walking into the woods to hunt for meat, hoping for deer. Damien hadn't been keen on the idea of eating animal, but one stern look from Harry had shut him up quickly. They cowered in the woods, their abilities allowing them to see clearly despite the darkening sky overhead. Harry had followed the movements of every living thing in the trees and shrubbery, deciding which would make for a better meal to hold them over.

Then Damien had started twitching.

Harry had snapped at him at first, telling him to quit moving so he didn't scare any of their food sources away. Then a maniac giggle had fallen from the kid's lips, one that sent chills down Harry's spine. He looked over slowly at Damien, who was ripping at his hair and whispering to himself until he felt Harry's stare.

He lashed out. He screamed at Harry incoherent nonsense, swiping his nails this way and that. Harry hadn't been prepared, but he easily deflected each of Damien's blows considering the boy was out of his right mind. Harry had ignored the confusion welling inside him to focus on the fight, but Damien was getting progressively more hostile and, shockingly, more coordinated.

Now Harry has to duck to keep Damien from headbutting him, instead slamming his forehead into the tree. Harry tackles him by his waist, attempting to reach for his throat to subdue him but Damien thrashes and gets loose. Harry growls again in annoyance. He's in the middle of two battles--a physical and mental one.

He tried to talk to Damien before, but it's clear that hadn't worked. He doesn't want to kill him, but he may have no other choice if Damien keeps spazzing out. He flexes his fingers and watches Damien carefully, though Damien seems to be more interested in the voices in his head as he screams at them. He notices Harry once more as if just realizing he's there. He gives a shriek and lunges.

Harry is ready and swings his fist, his knuckles colliding with Damien's nose. Blood gushes out of it, but there's already blood staining Damien's clothes from the battle earlier. He can't tell if there are any new wounds or--oh... Oh.

Damien must have been bitten earlier. It's the only explanation for his sudden outrage.

A bit more wary now, Harry takes a step back. He can't get bitten or the same fate will await him. He bounces on the balls of his feet, studying Damien closely as he lunges a second time, unphased by the blood pour from his nostrils. He actually tries to lick it off his lips, bloodthirsty and crazed.

Harry sidesteps and kicks Damien in the side, distracting him long enough to snap a branch of the tree their fight seems to be circling around. It's a thin stick, but maybe he can choke Damien out with it to put him to sleep for a while. He scans the skinny tree quickly, looking for a thicker weapon but finds none. The trees are still dead from the winter, and here up north it's still freezing.

He grumbles under his breath and uses the stick as a whip when Damien tries to come close. The deranged kid flinches back, but bares his teeth and hisses. He tries to step forward, but back away again when Harry swipes the branch. At least he's keeping him at bay, but he has to do something.

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