Chapter 1

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"Ha! Gotcha, daddy!" You giggled, as you tackled you father, Dipper Pines, to the ground. "Agh! So, you did!" He laughed, sitting up to try and pry you off of himself. "But, it's almost dinner time, pumpkin. Perhaps we should go ahead and get to the meadow." "But, what about mommy?" You asked, struggling to pick up your scrawny fawn legs off your father. "We'll meet her there. But, you know that she doesn't eat grass." He replied. "After all, she is a gorgon." You nodded, in understanding. "True." Picking himself up from the forest floor, you and your father trekked off through the trees.

Ever since your birth, Dipper and Pacifica decided that you should grow up in the solitude of nature. So, they found a nice cluster of trees, and built a home amongst them. It was elevated 3 feet off the ground, in case of flooding. The bark shingled roofing helped to keep rain out, and heat in. Steps carved into the 10 ft. diameter tree trunks gave access to the rooms. In the center was a clearing, for a campfire and family time. You had just been playing 'Hunter-And-Prey' with your father, a parody of the townsfolk's 'Tag-You're-It!' game.

"Daddy?" You asked, as you neared the meadow. "May we stay out to stargaze tonight?" "Of course. I'm sure your mom won't mind." He shrugged, as you crossed the barrier between tree cover and grassy field. A few of the other Deer-folk had already gathered for the third grazing of the day. "Go find your friends. I'll wait here for your mom." Your father urged, giving you a little nudge in the direction of the other fawns. "Okay, Daddy..." You said, with a nod, trying not to sound hesitant. Slowly, you made your way over to the fawns. "Hey, guys." You say, smiling shyly.

"Oh. Uh, hey..." Said your 'friend,' Flower. Even if she always acted nice to you, you knew that she didn't like you. None of the other fawns did. It was because of you mother's race. Because of the fact that Dipper had mated with a gorgon to produce you, he was a rabbit hair away from being kicked from Deer-folk society. And that's saying something! The only thing that saved him was the fact that the offspring, you, were like him. You have the appearance of the Deer-folk. That, and he said something about a deal...? You don't know, nor care. Right now, you're hungry.

Looking back at the tree line, you see the beautiful serpentine creature, that is your mother, slither out of the woods. You smile from ear to ear. "Mommy!" You cheer, racing towards her, leaving Flower and her quarry behind to scowl in disgust, at your reaction to the gorgon's presence. As you race towards your mother, she turns to see you, and immediately opens her arms in greeting. You jump into them, knocking her back a little, and nuzzle into her embrace. The cool feel of her skin against yours is soothing in the hot summer dusk.

"How was my little fawn, today?" She asked, as Dipper came up to hug her as well. "She was great. I taught her how to disable traps today. She's a pro at it." He answered for you. "We plan on stargazing tonight!" You added, to your mom laughed, pulling out of the embrace. "Of course, you are. Honestly, Dipper! Ever since you showed her that birth mark, she's been obsessed with astrology!" "What can I say? The stars are amazing!" He laughed, putting his hands up in mock defense. "But, we can't stargaze until night, so lets pass the time by eating!" You chime in. "I'm starving!"

*Time skip brought to you by a stampede of Deer-folk*

"Daddy? Where's Orion? I don't see him." You pouted. "Because, sweetheart, It's the summer time. Orion only appears in the winter time. Scorpius will be out tonight." Dipper replied. "Why?" You asked. "Do Orion and Scorpius not like each other?" "No, they don't." He said. "Long ago, Orion was a boastful hunter, and a lover of the moon goddess, Diana. He boasted that not a single animal could survive when he was hunting them. Juno, wife of Jupiter, didn't like how he would brag. So she set a scorpion on the path he took to his daily hunting ground. The scorpion stung him, and killed him. Diana grieved over Orion, and wanted his constellation in her starry sky. Juno also wanted the scorpion that stung him in the sky. So, Jupiter put them both at opposite points in the sky. One of his wisest decisions. Even today, nobody has ever seen Orion and Scorpius in sky at the same time. But, just in case Scorpius decides to roam, Sagittarius has his arrow trained on Scorpius's heart, Antares."

"Wow..." You said, staring up at the sky. "Ooh, I think I see him!" Pacifica said, pointing up at the sky. "And there's Sagittarius!" You cheered, pointing to giant centaur with a bow. "Is (zodiac sign) out tonight?" (laughs if the reader is a Sagittarius or Scorpio) "Yes, it is." Dipper said, pointing to (z/s). You stared up at the stars for hours, listening to the myths your father told you, and help you mother find the constellations that go with them. "I love stargazing..." You yawned, leaning on your mom's shoulder. She smiled and patted your (h/l) (h/c) hair. "I think, it's time to get you home, sweetheart." "But... I'm not tired..." You said, surprising another yawn. "Yes, you are. You can't fool me, pumpkin." She said, taking your hand and leading you towards the forest edge. Dipper followed, taking your other hand.

"Don't worry, sweetheart. The stars will be back tomorrow night." He said. You trudged up the steps to your room in the tree house, changed into your pajama shirt, and climbed into your bed. "Good night, (y/n)." Both your parents kissed you goodnight, and shut the door behind them. Slipping into sleep, you weren't met with your regular dream...

[(A/N): the picture above is what I would expect Dipper and Pacifica's deer-taur daughter to look like. It does not mean that you look like that! You look like you, or however you want yourself to look! Also, thank you, PaintingDreams128 for the amazing picture! You're awesome, and my best partner!]

The Hunter and The Fawn ~ MF!Human!Bill x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now